Using Linux commands to install a firmware update permanently

Find out how to use Linux commands to install a firmware update permanently.

You might recognize the process of installing the firmware update permanently by different terms, depending on the type of hardware or software you use. For example, for AIX® or Linux®, you might refer to this process as committing the update.
Note: To perform this task, you must meet the following criteria:
  • You must have root user authority.
  • You must start your server from the temporary side. For details, see Working with the temporary and permanent side of the service processor.
  1. Ensure you have the following service tools installed on your server:
    • Platform Enablement Library – librtas-xxxxx.rpm
    • Service Aids – ppc64-utils-xxxxx.rpm
    where xxxxx represents a specific version of the RPM file.
  2. If you do not have the service tools on your server, refer to Obtaining service and productivity tools for Linux.
  3. After the service tools are installed to the server or partition running Linux, type the following at a Linux command prompt:
    /usr/sbin/update_flash -c

    The update_flash -c command might run for 10 or more minutes.

  4. Once the update completes, choose from the following options:
    • If you are committing a firmware update level that begins with SF220, use the manual process to shut down and restart the server. This ends the procedure.
    • If you are committing a firmware update level that begins with SF222 or higher, there is no need to shut down and restart the server. This ends the procedure.