Virtual Network

Virtual Network is a managed system level object representing the Virtual LAN connectivity across the logical partitions.

Since: Version 1.1.0
The Virtual Network has the following properties:
  • NetworkName - User defined name
  • NetworkVLANID - VLAN ID of the Network
  • VSwitch - The associated VirtualSwitch
  • TaggedNetwork - specifies whether the network must be tagged or untagged.

The Tagged/Untagged property impacts only when the network is bridged. If the virtual network is untagged and bridged, it indicates that the traffic from all the partitions that are connected to this network are routed to the external physical network without the VLAN tagging. If the virtual network is tagged and bridged, it indicates that the traffic from all the partitions that are connected to this network are routed to the external physical network with the VLAN tag.

Note the following points while deleting a virtual network:
  • Deletion of a Virtual Network that is equivalent to the Trunk Adapter PVID will fail
  • Users need to delete the NetworkBridge containing this Virtual Network first and then attempt to delete the Virtual Network
Table 1. Supported methods
Method Description Internet media type
GET Get the Virtual Network details application/, type=VirtualNetwork
PUT Create a new Virtual Network on the ManagedSystem. application/, type=VirtualNetwork
POST Modify Virtual Network properties. (Only NetworkName can be modified) application/, type=VirtualNetwork
DELETE Delete the Virtual Network. application/, type=VirtualNetwork