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Creating a logical partition profile for a client operating system

You can use the Hardware Management Console (HMC) to create a logical partition profile for the client operating system.

To create a logical partition by using the HMC, complete the following steps:

  1. In the navigation pane, expand Systems Management > Servers.
  2. In the work pane, select the managed system, click the Tasks button, and click Configuration > Create Logical Partition > Linux.
  3. In the Create Partition panel, specify the ID and the name of your partition.
  4. In the Partition Profile panel, enter your Profile name.
  5. In the Processors panel, ensure that the Shared option is selected, and then click Next.
  6. In the Processor Settings panel, enter the values you want. Select the Uncapped check box.
  7. In the Memory Settings panel, enter the values you want.
  8. In the I/O panel, click Next.
  9. In the Virtual Adapters panel, enter the value for the Maximum virtual adapters field.
  10. In the Virtual Adapters panel, select Actions > Create Virtual Adapter > Ethernet Adapter.
  11. In the Create Virtual Ethernet Adapter panel, click OK.
  12. In the Virtual Adapters panel, select Actions > Create Virtual Adapter > SCSI Adapter.
  13. In the Create Virtual SCSI Adapter panel, complete the following steps:
    1. Select the Only selected client partition can connect check box.
    2. Enter the values you want in the other fields.
    3. Click OK to accept the settings.
  14. Depending on your VIOS partition setup, choose one of the following options:
    • For a single VIOS partition setup, skip to step 15.
    • For a dual VIOS partition setup, create an additional virtual SCSI adapter to map to the virtual server SCSI adapter in the second VIOS partition as shown in step 13.
  15. In the Virtual Adapter panel, which shows the virtual adapters you created, click Next.
  16. Click Next until you reach the Profile Summary panel.
  17. In the Profile Summary panel, click Finish.
  18. Click your managed system to view the partition profile you created.

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Last updated: Wed, October 09, 2013