IBM Support



You can track all active APARs for this component.


APAR status

  • Closed as program error.

Error description

  • If a Labor Invoice is created in Labor Reporting for Outside
    Labor, and then the Invoice is canceled, the Labor record
    cannot be used again on a new Invoice.
    Steps To Reproduce:
    -Log in to maxdemo instance as maxadmin
    -Go To Security | Security Groups
    -Click the New Security Group button on the toolbar
    -In the Group field enter "ACCT-MGR"
    -In the Description field enter "Accounting Manager - Cancels
    -In the Start Center Template field | Select Value | click 7 -
    -Click the checkbox for "Independent of Other Groups?"
    -On the Sites tab click the New Row button
    -In the Site field enter "bedford" and tab out
    -Save the record
    -On the Applications tab click Filter
    -In the Description field enter "invoices" and press Enter
    -In the Options for Invoices section click the checkboxes to
    grant the following:
      Delete Invoice
      New Invoice
      Read access to Invoices
      Save Invoice
      Approve Invoice
      Cancel Invoice
      Change Status
      Delete Report Button
      More Search Fields
      Reverse Invoice
      Run Reports
      Save Current Query
      View Search Tips
      View/Manage Queries
      Waiting on Approval
    -Save the record
    -On the Users tab click the Select Users button
    -In the User field enter "adams" and press Enter
    -Click the checkbox for ADAMS
    -Save the record
    -Go To Security | Users
    -In the User field enter "adams" and press Enter
    -Click ADAMS to open the record
    -On the Groups click the trashcan button on each row to delete
    every row except for:
    -Save the record
    -Go To Security | Security Groups
    -Click the New Security Group button on the toolbar
    -In the Group field enter "WORK-MGR"
    -In the Description field enter "Work Manager - Creates Labor
    -In the Start Center Template field | Select Value | click 11 -
    Operations Manager
    -Click the checkbox for "Independent of Other Groups?"
    -On the Sites tab click the New Row button
    -In the Site field enter "bedford" and tab out
    -Save the record
    -On the Applications tab click Filter
    -In the Description field enter "invoices" and press Enter
    -In the Options for Invoices section click the checkboxes to
    grant the following:
      Read access to Invoice
      Delete Report Button
      More Search Fields
      Run Reports
      Save Current Query
      View Search tips
      View/Manage Queries
    -Save the record
    -In the Applications Description field "labor reporting" and
    press Enter
    -In the Options for Labor Reporting section click the
    checkboxes to grant the following:
      Read access to Labor Reporting
      Save Labor Report
      Approve Labor
      Approve Labor Transactions
      Create Invoice
      Create KPI
      Create Report
      Daily Attendance
      Delete Report Button
      Edit QBR Report
      Enable Create Report (Ad Hoc) Public Access
      More Search Fields
      Run Reports
      Save Current Query
      View Search Tips
      View/Manage Queries
    -Save the record
    -On the Labor tab click the checkbox for "Authorize Group for
    All Labor?"
    -Save the record
    -On the Users tab click the Select Users button
    -In the User field enter "bethune" and press Enter
    -Click the checkbox for BETHUNE
    -Save the record
    -Go To Security | Users
    -In the User field enter "bethune" and press Enter
    -Click BETHUNE to open the record
    -On the Groups click the trashcan button on each row to delete
    every row except for:
    -Save the record
    -Go To Administration | Organizations
    -In the Organization field enter "eaglena" and press Enter
    -Click EAGLENA to open the record
    -More Actions | Labor Options
    -UNcheck all options EXCEPT "Allow Mismatched Craft and Labor
    Reporting Actual Labor?"
    -Click OK
    -Save the record
    -Go To Work Orders | Work Order Tracking
    -Click the New Work Order button on the toolbar
    -In the Asset field | Detail Menu | Select Value | click any
    value, such as 13150
    -On the Plans tab | Tasks for Work Order section | click the
    New Row
    -In the Task 10 Summary field enter "Task One"
    -In the Estimated Duration field enter 1
    -On the Labor tab click the New Row button
    -In the Vendor field | Detail Menu | Select Value | click any
    Craft where there is a valid vendor, such as ELECT FIRSTCLASS
    -In the Regular Hours field enter 1
    -Save the record
    -Common Actions | Change Status
    -In the New Status field use the drop-down arrow and click
    Approved, then click OK
    -More Actions | Duplicate Work Order
    -Click OK
    -Save the record
    -Common Actions | Change Status
    -In the New Status field use the drop-down arrow and click
    then click OK
    -Repeat these steps to create 2 additional Work Orders; the
    result is 4
    Approved Work Orders with the same planned Labor (external
    -Make a note of the 4 Work Order numbers that were created
    -Perform the following steps on each Work Order that was
    -On the Actuals tab | Labor tab | click the Select Planned
    Labor button
    -Click the checkbox for the row and then click OK
    -In the Labor field | Detail Menu | Select Value | click
    HUNTER, or whichever value is presented for the Vendor that was
    selected in a previous step
    -In the Start Time field | Select Date and Time button | click
    any time that is greater than 1 hour in the past
    *use different Start Time values for each Work Order, all
    separated by at least 1 hour; for example, 1:00 AM, 2:00 AM,
    3:00 AM, 4:00 AM
    -Save the record
    User steps to demonstrate the issue:
    -Log in as BETHUNE
    -Go To Work Orders | Labor Reporting
    -In the Transactions table click the checkbox for the 4 entries
    WILSON (from the Work Orders that were just created)
    -Note the Work Order numbers that were selected
    -More Actions | Approve Labor
    -Save the record
    -Click the checkboxes for only 3 of the 4 records that were just
    -More Actions | Create Invoice
    -Click OK and make a note of the Invoice number
    -Save the record
    -Go To Purchasing | Invoices
    -In the Invoice field enter the number of the Invoice that was
    just created and press Enter
    -Click the record to open it
    -Note that the Status is WAPPR, and on the Invoice Lines tab,
    there are 3 rows
    -Sign out
    -Log in as adams
    -Go To Purchasing | Invoices
    -In the Invoice field enter the number of the Invoice that was
    just created and press Enter
    -Click the record to open it
    -Click the Change Status button on the toolbar
    -In the New Status field use the drop-down arrow and click
    -Click OK
    -Save the record
    -Sign out
    -Log in as bethune
    -Go To Work Orders | Labor Reporting
    -Expand the details for one of the rows for the Labor that was
    used on the Invoice
    *Observe that the Invoice is still populated
    -Click the checkbox for this row, and also click the checkbox
    for the row that was NOT used on the canceled Invoice
    -Select Action | Create Invoice
    *System Message appears:
      BMXAA2615E - One or more of the selected labor transactions
    already   have invoices defined on them. You cannot create
    multiple invoices for the same labor transaction. You must
    filter out all transactions with an invoice number defined.

Local fix

Problem summary

  • ****************************************************************
    * USERS AFFECTED:                                              *
    * Users of Labor Invoice                                       *
    * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION:                                         *
    * If a Labor Invoice is created in Labor Reporting for Outside *
    * Labor, and then the Invoice is canceled, the Labor record    *
    * cannot be used again on a new Invoice.                       *
    * RECOMMENDATION:                                              *

Problem conclusion

  • The fix for this APAR is contained in the following maintenance
    	  Release of Base Services

Temporary fix


APAR Information

  • APAR number


  • Reported component name


  • Reported component ID


  • Reported release


  • Status


  • PE




  • Special Attention

    NoSpecatt / Xsystem

  • Submitted date


  • Closed date


  • Last modified date


  • APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:

  • APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:

Fix information

  • Fixed component name


  • Fixed component ID


Applicable component levels

  • R760 PSY


[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Product":{"code":"SSCHPPU","label":"Work Order Tracking"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"750","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
04 October 2017