IBM Support

Verify that a system meets the requirements for usage as the Microservices tier of IBM InfoSphere Information Server

How To


In order to use a system as the Microservices tier of IBM InfoSphere Information Server, it must meet a number of requirements. Before installation of version, you can run a script to verify that all the requirements are met. The results of the test and any errors detected are logged; where applicable, the relevant node is indicated. This document is not applicable to versions,, or later.


Verify that your system meets the requirements for a Microservices tier in Information Server


Microservices tier master node in Information Server


1. Download verify_prereqs_microservicestier.tar to the system that intended as the Microservices tier master node for an installation.
2. untar verify_prereqs_microservicestier.tar:
              tar -xvf verify_prereqs_microservicestier.tar
3. A folder named UG_WKC_PreReqChk_Package is created. It contains a README.txt file.
4. chmod 755 UG_WKC_PreReqChk_Package
5. Follow the steps in the README.txt file and run the script.
6. A log file is created in UG_WKC_PreReqChk_Package named prechecks_<timestamp>.log
7. Examine the log generated and address all failures before installation of version is started.

Additional Information

List of checks that are run by this utility:
1. Verify Operating system and version
       Verifies that Red Hat Linux version 7.3 or later is running on all microservices tier nodes.

2. Check SELinux status
       sestatus is run to verify that SELinux is disabled on all microservices tier nodes.
3. Check for User Privileges
        Verifies that the current user has sudo privileges on all microservices tier nodes.
4. Check if FirewallID is active
        Verifies that firewallId.service status is active on all microservices tier nodes.
5. Check status of Swap
        Verifies that Swap is disabled on all microservices tier nodes.
6. Check umask and ulimit settings
        Verifies on all microservices tier nodes that:
        a. umask is set to 0022
        b. ulimit -n is at least 10240
        c. ulimit -u is at least 10240

7. Check hostname
        On all microservices tier nodes, verifies that the host name returned by the ‘hostname’ command
        a. does not contain any uppercase character and
        b. is a fully qualified domain name (FQDN).
8. Verify CPU & Memory requirements (based on values in uginfo.rsp file)
        On each microservices tier node:
        a. without Watson Knowledge Catalog: 8 vcpu and 32 GB memory
        b. with Watson Knowledge Catalog: 16 vcpu and 64 GB memory 
9. Check for Weave net and Service IP ranges
        Verifies that the ranges specified for Weave net and Service IP in uginfo.rsp are free on all microservices tier nodes.

10. Check ipforward
         Verifies that ipv4 forwarding is enabled (sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward must be set to 0) and ipv6 is disabled (net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 and net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6 must be set to 0) on the master node.

11. Check DNS is set up
         Verifies that DNS is set for master host, localhost, and ISHost on the master node.
12. Check permissions for /etc
         Verifies that permission for /etc on the master node is at least 755.
13. Check contents of etcd directory
         Verifies that the /var/lib/etcd directory is empty on all microservices tier nodes.
14. Check available space in /var
         Verifies that /var/lib/docker directory contains 200 GB free space if it exists. If it does not exist, then checks that /var has 200 GB free space.
15. Check permissions for response file
         Verifies that the response file on the master node has at least 755 permission.
16. Check installation directory
         Verifies that the instalation directory is correctly specified in uginfo.rsp.  
         If installation type is specified as patch or upgrade, verifies that the installation directory exists and checks for ug_buildinfo.txt or microservicedeployment_buildinfo.txt based on the base version.
         If installation type is specified as full suite, checks permissions for creating the directory, and checks that 20 GB free space is available.
17. Check tty
         Verifies that tty is not set in /etc/sudoers on the master node. Verifies that any requiretty setting is either commented, or not set in Defaults.
18. Check ability to create a user
         Verifies that the current user can create a user on the master node.
19. Verifies that the following software components are installed on the master node:
        a. Python – 2.7 or higher
        b. Wget
        c. curl
        d. zip
        e. unzip
The following checks are only done for full suite installs:
1. If the following software is installed on the master node, the version of the software is verified.
        a. Docker – 18.06.1-ce (also, verifies required libraries /packages for Docker)
        b. Kubernetes – 1.13.0
        c. Ansible – 2.7 or higher
2. Verifies that the following software is not installed on the master node:
        a. salt
        b. puppet
3. Checks status of Chef if it is installed on the master node
        If any of Chef services are running, an error is logged.
        If Chef is installed, but the services are not running a warning is logged to refrain from usage of Chef.
4. Verifies that the following ports on the master node are free:
        a. 443
        b. 80
        c. 5000
5. Checks the setting for NSlookup
        Verifies that NSlookup is set for the Information Server host and the master node.

6. Check Persistent Volume Local Storage (PVLocalStorage) space:
        Verifies the PVLocalStorage path specified in uginfo.rsp.
       The storage location can be on any disk on the system or an NFS mount. It must not be a device.

        If installation type is specified as patch or upgrade, PVLocalStorage variable in uginfo.rsp is empty, and kafka-pv-volume path is null then /var/lib/ibm/ugdata is used as the PVLocalStorage. Otherwise, kafka-pv-volume path is used as the PVLocalStorage.
        In both new and upgrade installations, the PVLocalStorage needs to have 300GB free space on the master node.

Document Location


[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSZJPZ","label":"InfoSphere Information Server"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
24 June 2021

