Digital Identity Trust with IBM Security Trusteer

Digital Identity Trust
 with IBM Security Trusteer

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07:15 AM . Home . Laptop

IBM Security Trusteer kicks into action the second a user discovers an organization’s site. As visitors travel throughout the site, Trusteer analyzes the full context of the user and interactions to begin to build a trust score.

Trusteer Analyzes

Trusteer global identity consortium

Validates if the device or the user evidence is known as good or bad in the Trusteer global network.

Spoofing IP or device

Identifies false source IP address or spoofed characteristics to hide user identity or impersonate another computing system or user.


Identifies location and validates the source is legitimate and acceptable to rule out bad actors.

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12:45 PM . Work . Mobile

Even as users switch devices, Trusteer works to detect fraud and build digital identity trust. Behind the scenes, Trusteer scans movements, speed of data entry, session length, behavioral patterns, and more to determine the legitimacy of the user.

Trusteer Analyzes

Behavioral biometrics

The use of machine learning helps to build profiles of how users interact with their devices and detects anomalies which may signify a potential threat.

Device intelligence

Identifies the device used based on its unique characteristics and configurations to learn details about true or false users.

Location spoofing

Determines if the user’s location is false, which is a sign of a potential bad actor aiming to remain anonymous.

Known bad-actors network

Scans through Trusteer’s known bad-actors database to determine if information and activities captured align with those found in the database.

Accounts creation abuse

Analyzes whether the user or elements of the identity were already used to create other accounts, as bad actors often do, or if this is the first account created.

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06:15 PM . Work . Mobile

While data and credentials are entered across different sessions, Trusteer provides a nuanced trust score that can help determine customized access and authentication policies for each user. Highly trusted users can be served a more seamless digital experience.

Trusteer Analyzes

Behavioral biometrics

The use of machine learning helps to build profiles of how users interact with their devices and detects anomalies which may signify a potential threat.

Malware detection

Analyzes whether malware is active on the user’s device or if anomalies exist in the session, which can be a sign of a compromised user.

Trusteer global identity consortium

Validates if the device or the user evidence is known as good or bad in the Trusteer global network.

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09:15 PM . Home . Tablet

As users revisit and continue to navigate the site or make changes to their account details, Trusteer determines if the behavior pattern is normal for that specific user, and more. If any anomalies arise that signal it may be a different user, then it could be a sign of malicious intent.

Trusteer Analyzes

Behavioral biometrics

The use of machine learning helps to build profiles of how users interact with their devices and detects anomalies which may signify a potential threat.

Malware detection

Analyzes whether malware is active on the user’s device or if anomalies exist in the session, which can be a sign of a compromised user.

User activity

Analyzes user activity and compares it to the typical user activity associated with that account as well as transaction monitoring.

Journey analysis

Understands what other webpages the user is arriving from to determine if the user previously visited a known phishing page.

Authentication bypass

Detects whether there is an ability to bypass the authentication method being used, like SMS stealer or any other infections that can bypass the authentication.

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