Adaptive access
Proactively protect users and assets with AI-assisted, risk-based authentication
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Comprehensive context is key

Effective access control must balance trust and risk. IBM Verify uses machine learning and AI to analyze key parameters—user, device, activity, environment and behavior—in context to determine holistic risk scores. This analysis drives more accurate, contextual authentication decisions to better protect both your business and your users' experience.

Cost of a Data Breach Report 2024

Data breach costs have hit a new high. Get insights on how to reduce costs.

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Key features
Adapt for risk Proactively protect users from risk with the flip of a switch in the Verify software-as-a-service (SaaS) version by applying holistic, AI-informed risk scores to access policies. Allow streamlined access to low-risk users. Block or challenge access in higher-risk conditions with contextual, risk-based authentication (RBA) and adaptive access. Risk-based authentication (RBA)

Monitor risk levels of events Filter authentication activity to diagnose problems. View details of high-risk events that are sent to case management and investigate identified risks. Identified Risks
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