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IBM Cloud for Financial Services – Framework

Explore the controls framework
Simplify your risk management and demonstrate regulatory compliance

At the core of our offering is a controls framework called IBM Cloud Framework for Financial Services. The controls framework was developed to help financial institutions automate their security and compliance posture to make it easier for them and their digital supply chain partners to simplify their risk management and demonstrate their regulatory compliance.  

The controls framework provides a security and compliance structure for the entire ecosystem through a common set of automated, preconfigured controls applied across IBM Cloud® services, third-party applications and financial institution workloads. Created in collaboration with major financial institutions, the controls are aligned to industry standards and global regulatory bodies. The controls framework is continually validated with advice from the IBM® Financial Services Cloud Council, comprised of top financial institution CIOs, CTOs, CISOs and Compliance and Risk Officers, and guidance from Promontory Financial Group®, an IBM Company and a global leader in regulatory compliance consulting.

The IBM Cloud Framework for Financial Services evolves, and controls are adapted to emerging industry requirements and regulatory obligations to help financial institutions as they mitigate the cost and complexity of staying compliant in an ever-evolving cybersecurity and regulatory landscape. The extensive control set within the framework includes but is not limited to security, data privacy, access management and configuration management.

Learn more about the framework
How we address industry challenges
View all chapters
Unique control families¹
Control requirements¹
Comprehensive controls aligned to industry standards and global regulations
Focused risk management and compliance
Advanced data protection
Enhanced authentication
Automated protection
Unified security and resilience
Operational excellence
Active response monitoring
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How we address industry challenges

Read Chapter 3
Ch. 1: Built for the Financial Services industry Ch. 3: How we address industry challenges Ch. 4: Discover our security and compliance center Ch. 5: Our zero trust security approach Ch. 6: Modernize business faster with cloud

1. The 7 focus areas, 21 unique control families, 280 controls and 565 control requirements mentioned are accurate as of January 2023