The 5 pillars of personalization at scale
A blueprint for creating exceptional customer experiences
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An illustration showing the customer experience personalization touchpoints
Why personalization at scale?

Today’s consumers are more discerning and have more options than ever before. To delight your customers and remain competitive, you should personalize every touchpoint across the entire customer experience (CX). True personalization at scale involves all aspects of your business, from marketing and messaging to inventory and supply chain to sales and service.


of US credit card customers who reported feeling valued said they plan to stay with the brand.¹


of US credit card customers who reported feeling valued said they will advocate for the brand.¹

5 pillars of personalization
The foundation of personalization IBM has identified 5 pillars to consider as you design, build and successfully execute personalization at scale. They encompass not only your technology ecosystem, but also your ways of working, how your company is strategically organized, and how KPIs are set and tracked.
Industry examples
Creating exceptional experiences Discover how prominent companies across retail, banking, utilities and travel are successfully implementing the 5 pillars of personalization at scale to delight their customers and drive their business. Personalization at scale is a complex challenge, requiring the right workforce, technology and partnerships. Read The 5 pillars of personalization at scale to learn why you should focus on a personalized CX and how to achieve it.

At IBM Consulting, we have the experts to work with whatever technology you select. Learn about how we work with our strategic partners in these whitepapers.

How IBM and Adobe craft personalization at scale The State of Salesforce '23-24 Boost profitable revenue with SAP CX personalized B2B experiences
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¹Based on results of Forrester’s Customer Experience Benchmark Survey, US Consumers, 2022 of 11,009 credit card users, reported in The US Credit Card Customer Experience Index Rankings, 2022, Forrester, 11 November 2022.