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Protect for Cloud

IBM Storage Protect for Cloud Dynamics 365
Protect your Dynamics 365 customer data from ransomware and other threats
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Illustration of the IBM Storage Protect for Dynamics 365 dashboard showing backup and restore jobs for Dynamics 365 data

IBM Storage Protect for Cloud Dynamics 365 provides cloud-based data protection for your organization’s Dynamics 365 data. You have granular control over what data to backup, and can store backups in Azure storage or your own storage system.

Software-as-a-service (SaaS) workloads like Dynamics 365 have become a crucial part of the data infrastructure for many companies. But SaaS providers operate on a shared-responsibility model, which means they provide minimal data protection capabilities and require that their customers bear primary responsibility for ensuring continued access to their data. 

IBM Storage Protect for Cloud Dynamics 365 helps organizations address the risks inherent in this model by providing flexible backup and restore capabilities for the Dynamics 365 Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform. This includes Dynamics 365 Sales, Marketing, Commerce, Customer Service, Field Service, Remote Assist, Customer Voice, and Customer Insight modules. 

Get started now with a 30-day, no-charge trial. No credit card is required and no data restrictions apply.

Gain hands-on experience using your own workload data.
Proactively protect data from data-loss threats

Use early event detection to protect against hardware failure, human error, sabotage, ransomware, malware, natural disasters and other threats to your data.

Improve business continuity

Recover key operational data so your business is up and running as soon as possible.

Free up IT resources from user data-loss inquiries

Enable self-service and delegated administration for the right users to free up your resources from handling data-loss queries.

Features A true SaaS platform

Utilize a completely software-as-a-service platform, available globally on Microsoft Azure, requiring no installation, patches or updates.

Restore with confidence

Automatically manage version conflicts to recover the most authoritative copy of your data.

Granular restore capabilities

Filter content to restore based on content type, owner, date created, file size, email subject, date sent and more.

Enhanced security 

Use built-in security features including the ability to bring your own encryption keys, data storage, and authentication with role-based access controls.

Centralized management and reporting 

Gain more control with tracking, management and reporting of backup and restore processes from one console.

Flexible deployment

Secure your data in our Microsoft Azure storage, your own cloud, or any SFTP or FTP server.

Use cases Recover misplaced documents quickly

Recover mistakenly-deleted files outside of the soft-restore window. You can address this with self-service, delegated administration, or Help Desk assistance, as defined by your IBM Storage Protect for Cloud retention settings.

Detect large data inserts and other anomalies

Quickly identify anomalies such as large additions, deletions and updates with data monitor alert rules, and observe activity history through a central command dashboard that summarizes backup history, object changes and API usage.

Address compliance and legal requirements

Use data cleanup capabilities in IBM Storage Protect for Cloud Dynamics 365 to address GDPR “right to be forgotten” compliance requirements, while using long-term retention and selective restore features to address data-retention needs and legal-investigation needs.

Get started
IBM Storage Protect for Cloud Dynamics 365 trial

Experience IBM Storage Protect for Cloud Dynamics 365 today through a fully functional 30-day free trial by filling out the form.

Most popular Enterprise
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Take the next step

See IBM Storage Protect for Cloud Dynamics 365 in action with your actual Dynamics 365 workload data. 

Sign up for a no-charge trial
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