Whether researching the latest threat intelligence or expanding on the details of a high priority alert, security analysts often need to search and pinpoint indicators of compromise. They need tools that are easy to use, powerful, fast, and accurate to find. QRadar SIEM normalized event data provides a structure of event properties that allows simple queries to find related attack activity across disparate data sources.
An effective threat-hunting approach to reduce the time from intrusion to discovery, decreasing the amount of damage attackers can inflict.
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Detect, investigate and remediate threat more quickly by uncovering hidden patterns and connections.
Help your analysts hunt for cyberthreats in near real time by turning disparate data sets into action.
Benefit from a cost-effective solution that reduces training, maintenance and deployment costs.
With hundreds of data sources in a typical IT environment, searching for anomalies can be complicated. If you don’t know what to look for, it can take days. QRadar SIEM makes searching for IOC easier by normalizing the activity from log sources and network traffic. Searching normalized activity improves results and reduces time to search. Unlike other solutions that warehouse and index activity, QRadar DSMs are built with the understanding of the log source data it is ingesting. The events are parsed and normalized into a common structure. This allows for simplified queries. For example, “login failed” versus “log-in not successful”.Simple search tools such as Visual Query Build or AQL help speed security analysts threat hunting.
Actionable insights to help you understand how threat actors are waging attacks, and how to proactively protect your organization.
Learn more about cyberthreat hunting, how it works and different threat hunting models.
Learn more about the process used to prevent cyberattacks, detect cyber threats and respond to security incidents.
Threat detection from center to endpoint with QRadar SIEM protects your organization in a number of ways.
See how QRadar SIEM correlates analytics, threat intelligence and network and user behavior anomalies to help security analysts focus on investigating and remediating the right threats.
Use QRadar SIEM to help your organization show evidence of security compliance and declaration of conformity with regulatory statues and internal audits.
QRadar SIEM can help you detect and react to ransomware and other malware quickly, before it has time to do real harm.