Home Business automation Atlas eDiscovery Process Management IBM Atlas eDiscovery Process Management
Empowers attorneys, paralegals and discovery directors to manage rigorous, highly defensible legal workflows
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IBM and Breakwater Solutions

IBM has established a new partnership with Breakwater Solutions, where we’ve transitioned IBM Atlas eDiscovery Process Management to their portfolio. Please read more about this partnership here.

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Improves legal holds, collection and audit processes

IBM® Atlas eDiscovery Process Management solution empowers attorneys, paralegals and discovery directors to efficiently manage a rigorous, highly defensible legal holds workflow. It enables organizations to use outside counsel more efficiently by pre-interviewing custodians electronically, and reducing the scope of the data required to be collected and reviewed. IBM Atlas eDiscovery Process Management helps produce a more reliable, defensible process record for improved, more cost-effective legal outcomes.

Benefits Effectively manages custodians

Scopes and manages custodians and data sources more efficiently, and with greater precision.

Automates hold publication

Streamlines and automates hold publication to significantly reduce manual tasks and associated errors.

Delivers effective virtual interviews

Provides the capacity to conduct more effective virtual interviews and automate follow-ups based on superior interview results.

Controls, monitors and manages discovery

Enables your legal staff to control, monitor and manage the discovery process from start to finish to provide more accurate and efficient recordkeeping.

Integrates with key eDiscovery solutions

Provides the ability to integrate with other Atlas eDiscovery legal products for more expansive discovery functions.

Scope and manage custodians and data sources

Segment and manage messages for large custodian lists. Identify custodians by numerous attributes, including their responsibilities for records or IT systems, and their involvement in the issue in dispute — by department affiliation, function, role and other criteria. Define and track data sources involved in matters. Add and remove data sources as matter-of-facts change. Track terminated employee assets, and alert appropriate legal staff when custodians in their holds transfer or terminate.

Conduct effective virtual interviews and automate follow ups

Combine initial hold notices with custodian questionnaires and incorporate hold compliance tracking. Establish intervals for re-issuing questionnaires, track responses, and set escalations for non-responses. Author a library of standard questionnaires. Update questions as needed. Automatically collate recipient responses by group, question, answer and follow-up actions. Set automatic alerts and action items for specific answers.

Control, monitor and manage the discovery process

Define, track and monitor various preservation, collection and discovery activities in a single system of record for higher integrity and less manual record-keeping. Follow the natural sequence of events and iteration throughout a typical matter lifecycle. Automatically detect exceptions to holds, collection requests and interviews, and send alerts to legal staff through email or dashboards. Specify the legal team for highlighted matters, and share alerts and action plans automatically.

Integrate with other Atlas eDiscovery products

Use with Atlas IT eDiscovery Process Management to define and re-use standard collection protocols for data sources, determine collection scope, and assign collections to discovery specialists. Integrate with Atlas eDiscovery Policy Federation Framework and Software Development Kit (SDK) to automate collection from data sources. Add Atlas eDiscovery Cost Forecasting and Management software to enable inside and outside counsel to prepare more quickly and effectively for discovery conferences and more.

IBM Atlas eDiscovery Process Management Read the documentation
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