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Training solutions that meet your technical needs and employee training requirements
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Technical experts

IBM® Expert Labs training solutions are a collaboration of IBM technical experts and course developers that provide professional confidence and technical expertise for learners. Our training solutions arm IT professionals with the skills needed to implement and manage IBM solutions and advance their careers.

Why train your teams?
  • Get the most out your investment in IBM technologies
  • Increase productivity with a skilled team
  • Build your team’s confidence to meet new technology challenges
  • Reduce lost time due to lack of skills and dependence on support
  • Retain top talent with innovative technical training

Build your skills

Data analytics
AI learning
Business process automation
Data and application modernization
Learning for individuals and teams  

Extensive catalogue of technical courses on IBM products and modern skills such as AI, open source and IBM Cloud® Paks.

Deep learning philosophy  

Integrated role-based content and applied use cases achieves fundamentals and enduring knowledge.

Mastery levels  

Providing high quality and relevant content supporting individuals and enterprise growth with Associate, Professional and Advanced learning pathways for IBM solutions.

Industry-recognized credentials

Validate your skills with IBM training supporting individuals and enterprise growth with industry-recognized badges and professional certifications.

Imagine your future Be recognized as an expert   Engage with other IBM clients and partners within an interactive community Visit the community Learn from and grow with the experts
Talk to an expert

Have questions? Don’t know where to begin? We can help.