Try IBM Envizi Essentials for free
Calculate and disclose your climate impact with IBM Envizi Essentials. Emissions, energy, water and waste data all in one platform.
Start your free 14-day trial
Screenshot of IBM Envizi Essentials trial environment.

Included in your trial

Overview of ESG performance The Sustainability Executive report provides a snapshot of key environmental indicators, such as GHG emissions, energy, waste and water.
Scope 3 Emissions Analysis report This report gives you a summary of your Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions. For example, within Scope 3 you can visualize the emissions by category and the main contributors to emissions.

Performance dashboard exploration Track progress in the performance dashboard and adjust filters, such as time periods and metrics to focus on specific reporting requirements.

Data gaps and data activity insights The Account Data Health Check report includes insights into your organization's data activity and data gaps, which is key to ensuring your data foundation remains complete and accurate for reporting.

Great for organizations who:

Are focusing on their emissions and collecting sustainability and environmental data for the first time. Or looking to remove manual spreadsheets.

Envizi Essentials includes:

Scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions accounting capabilities, including our emissions calculation engine which is built on the GHG Protocol. 

With Envizi Essentials, you can:

Calculate your climate footprint, and start your disclosure process with a GHG accounting solution which is audit-ready and easy to use.

Next steps

Learn more about how IBM Envizi can simplify the capture, consolidation, management, analysis and reporting of your ESG and GHG data.

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