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Db2 Warehouse SaaS
Db2 Warehouse SaaS on IBM Cloud® Flex One Starter

A starter data warehouse designed for new data warehouse projects and growing enterprises, with the ability to independently scale computing and storage.

Flex Storage optimized

An MPP data warehouse ideal for cost-effective data warehousing, development testing environment, and infrequently accessed data.

Compute optimized

An MPP data warehouse idea for high-performance and production workloads.


SMP (single node)

MPP (massively parallel processing)

MPP (massively parallel processing)


Dedicated computing and storage

Dedicated computing and storage

Dedicated computing and storage


Starting at USD 898 per month (billed hourly):

Hourly rates:

  • Instance: USD 1.23 per hour
  • Storage: USD 0.66 per GB
  • Compute: USD 65.70 per vCPU
Get USD 1000 in credits

Starting at USD 2957 per month (billed hourly):

Hourly rates:

  • Instance: USD 4.85 per hour
  • Storage: USD 0.91 per GB
  • Compute: USD 127.75 per vCPU

Starting at USD 13,651 per month (billed hourly):

Hourly rates:

  • Instance: USD 18.7 per hour
  • Storage: USD 1.15 per GB
  • Compute: USD 150.87 per vCPU

Starting instance capacity

6 vCPUs and 40 GB storage

16 vCPUs and 960 GB storage

48 vCPUs and 2.4 TB storage

Compute capacity

Up to 28 cores

Up to 160 cores

Up to 672 cores

Storage capacity

Up to 8 TB (4 IOPS/GB)

Up to 600 TB (6 IOPS/GB)

Up to 600 TB (12 IOPS/GB)

Independently scale storage and compute

Yes Yes Yes

Included backups

7 backups

7 backups

7 backups

Backup locality


Single region

Multizone, single or cross-region

Private endpoint

Yes Yes Yes
Db2 Warehouse Software

The high-performance data warehouse that combines in-memory columnar processing with in-database analytics and scaling of your OLAP use cases. On-premises or in your private cloud. 

- In-memory analytics.
- Built-in machine learning.
- Continual data ingestion for low-latency analytics.
- Always-on security, backups and customer support.

Take the next step

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