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Automatic Binary Optimizer
IBM Automatic Binary Optimizer (ABO) for z/OS improves COBOL program performance without recompiling the source code. It optimizes binary code, preserving program logic and compatibility.
ABO reduces processing time, CPU usage, and operating costs for critical COBOL applications on the IBM Z platform. It complements the IBM Enterprise COBOL compiler, allowing you to optimize both actively maintained and legacy modules for maximum ROI.
Optimized modules run on z/OS 2.3 and later operating systems.
Optimized modules run on all models of IBM z14®, IBM z15® and IBM z16™ servers.
See supported z/OS versions for using RTI profiled in batch or in CICS.
See the latest version of documentation for Automatic Binary Optimizer for z/OS 2.2
Discover how ABO enables BBVA Francés to enhance the processing power of their IBM Z server, boosting its performance.
Discover how UnipolSai Assicurazioni uses ABO to get the maximum value out of their IBM Z platform and how it allows their legacy applications to harness the latest hardware facilities.
Discover how ABO helped Taiyo Life obtain 20% CPU time reduction on their IBM Z server, greatly improving their response time to customers and exceeding expectations.
Discover how ABO helped a large Asian bank optimize modules, which preserved the original program behavior while improving its performance.
Explore the business value, features, practical implementation and best practices of ABO.
See a complete list of the latest releases, refreshes, fix packs and interim fixes sorted by version.
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Learn about ABO Assistant, which is designed to simplify ABO evaluation and accelerate the deployment of ABO-optimized modules.
Learn how to use ABO Assistant with the JCL to run your COBOL applications.