

Cloud Pak for Data

Anaconda Repository

IBM Anaconda Repository for IBM Cloud Pak for Data
Accelerate and scale open-source AI innovation
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Woman is analyzing data in front of a laptop monitor
Manage risks from open-source AI tools Scale and advance open-source-based data science innovation in a trusted environment. IBM® Anaconda Repository for IBM Cloud Pak® for Data is one of the only package managers that’s built for data science in the enterprise. Robust features let you confidently manage the security of your open-source packages used for AI.
Innovate with open source

Open-source innovation and enterprise AI deployment at scale.

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Strengthen security and governance

Get a comprehensive history of repository events.

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Manage and control

Use open packages with professionally assessed CVE status.

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Share across data and analytics tools and better manage tasks.

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Supporting enterprise data science Clearinghouse for build artifacts

Get managed, curated open-source libraries and tools. Comprehensive package metadata helps people find what they’re looking for.

Comprehensive history of repository events

Govern access to open-source packages based upon users, groups and roles. Build an audit chain of custody.

A private, mirrored package repository

Improve distribution of consumable data science artifacts. Help ensure that your teams only use IT-approved packages.

Security scans on open-source packages

Take charge of the packages in use. Curate and block based upon Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) scores and reporting.

Product images Anaconda Repository dashboard

Search for packages and channels. View top 10 downloads, latest packages, CVEs and channels

Store and distribute

Easily distribute any Python/R binary artifacts to end users. Retrieve and store artifacts and their dependencies with centralized access to package.

View reports and monitor

Integrate with package libraries for CVE reports.

Common vulnerabilities and exposures

View the CVEs within the channel that matches packages in your channel.

Related products
IBM Cloud Pak for Data

Collect, organize and analyze data on an open extensible data and AI platform that runs on any cloud.

IBM Watson Studio

Build, run and manage AI models. Prepare data and build using open source or visual modeling.

Next steps

See more solution details or talk to an IBM specialist at no cost.

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