Procurement@IBM allows suppliers to submit requests to the IBM Procurement One Place (POP) support team. The POP team handles the following activities:
If this is your first time using the portal, you will need to register to be able to access Procurement@IBM. To do so, follow these instructions.
Access Procurement@IBM using your login credentials.
Enhances user experience and simplifies the global procurement process through a best-in-class purchasing system for goods and services. This is a phased rollout by an IBM buying country, which will enable a company to transact electronically with IBM over the Ariba Network, eliminating the need for paper forms and enabling accurate and timely responses.
Serves as a single entry point for suppliers to access all strategic IBM procurement applications. To access Supply Portal, first create your IBMid. This is a strategic gateway that integrates procurement applications and management of the purchasing process across the supply chain under one umbrella, enabling secure collaboration and transaction exchange over the internet.
Utilizes the Lotus Domino e-commerce platform to facilitate online submission of quotations and price updates by buyers to contract manufacturers and suppliers. It is also used by commodity councils, third-party price analysts and corporate logistics. A-Source identifies cost savings, enhancing IBM’s purchasing power, productivity and time-to-market through electronic data exchange.
Enables procurement of external resources for services and establishes a link between IBM service requesters and pre-approved IBM Services suppliers. The web application alerts suppliers, enabling them to respond to resource requests while IBM requesters are notified and can generate requestions for approval to issue IBM purchase orders to suppliers before they can begin work.
Facilitates standardized business information exchange between IBM and its suppliers. This helps optimize document processes, reduce cycle time, provide invoice tracing and control, improve data quality, enable direct funds deposit and create a closed loop process. Its mission also includes accurate and timely payments to suppliers and maximizing quality data input and cost savings.
You can access EDI through the Supply Portal. Contact EDI support at for help with purchase or purchase order changes. Contact TRADEDI support at for help with invoicing-related issues.
Check out the resources to understand more about EDI:
Provides electronic access for suppliers to IBM technical design data. This cloud-based application is connected to, enabling authorized users with IBMids to securely download engineering-controlled files by part number or EC number, with PDF and text files viewable from the web. EASI also provides access to IBM’s material codes, crimp book and corporate standards.
Offers an electronic data management and communication system for supply chain collaboration with IBM registered and approved suppliers. In ESI, IBM coordinators add and approve suppliers and supplier coordinators, who then register and approve others and delegate functions. All IBM transactions through the registered councils are logged for future reference and auditing.
Offers a strategic web-based solution to manage the presentation of purchase orders and to support the entry of invoices. WOI replaced the Forms Exchange (FOX) application, which was the tactical Lotus Notes-based web solution that utilized a value added network (VAN), as an electronic communication alternative to suppliers with low business transaction volumes.
Manage and track IBM vendor-initiated product or process end of life (EOL) with the EOL tool.
Manage and track IBM vendor-initiated product or process change notifications with the PCN tool.
Centralize IBM supplier audit data with CAT, formerly known as Quality Information Network (QIN), covering qualification, risk management, quality and performance audits.
Leverage SPL for structured issue identification, resolution tracking and as a central repository for commodity related quality issues across IBM.
Leverage SQMS as a collaborative supplier and IBM tool for quality data and metrics of purchased commodities.
Optimizes content and data quality within the GCF cloud marketplace accessible to P2P systems while hosting content from thousands of suppliers and implementing advanced catalog features. GCF offers simple, automated and cost-effective content management solution, enabling suppliers to use existing product catalog delivery systems to transmit their offerings to IBM.