Home Procurement Responsible Minerals
Responsible Minerals

Learn how IBM achieves an ethical, socially responsible and sustainable supply chain

Committed to ethical and responsible sourcing

IBM® is committed to achieving an ethical, responsible, and sustainable supply chain. We do business with companies that share our commitments and values. We require our suppliers to manage and report their social and environmental objectives. To achieve our objectives, we focus on:

  • Conducting minerals due diligence and supply chain traceability for tantalum, tin, tungsten, gold (3TG), cobalt, and mica used in IBM’s products;
  • Collaborating with suppliers, industry groups, and stakeholders worldwide to improve the minerals validation process and increase supply chain transparency;
  • Ensuring minerals used in IBM’s supply chain are sourced from conformant or active smelters or refiners that have been assessed by one of the accredited schemes: LBMA, RJC, RMAP, or TI-CMC; or are 100% recycled processors;
  • Implementation of robust policies and industry best practices across IBM’s supply chain.
We accept our responsibilities as a corporate citizen in community, national and world affairs; we serve our interests best when we serve the public interest... We want to be at the forefront of those companies which are working to make our world a better place. IBM CEO Thomas J. Watson Jr., 1969
Responsible minerals policy

IBM’s Responsible Minerals policy addresses the parameters defined in the US Dodd-Frank Financial Reform Act of 2010 (section 1502).

IBM’s Responsible Minerals policy is anchored in the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas (CAHRAs).

Additionally, the IBM policy is conformant with the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) Code of Conduct, section D7, Responsible Sourcing of Minerals.

  • IBM requires its suppliers to support our objective of a minerals supply chain that does not support armed groups in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and adjoining countries, nor from similar groups in other CAHRAs.
  • Suppliers are to ensure minerals used in IBM’s supply chain are sourced from conformant or active smelters or refiners that have been assessed by one of the accredited schemes: LBMA, RJC, RMAP, or TI-CMC; or are 100 percent recycled processors.
  • IBM’s Responsible Minerals Policy is applicable to the following minerals (from a reporting perspective): tantalum, tin, tungsten, and gold (collectively referred to as 3TG), cobalt, and mica.
  • IBM participates in industry groups such as the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI), Responsible Business Alliance (RBA), and metals organizations. We encourage our suppliers to join these organizations to increase the effectiveness of this policy and its objectives.
Download the responsible minerals policy
Resources Deployment and reporting

Explore how IBM requires all in-scope suppliers to use 100% conformant or active SORs (RMAP, LBMA, RJC, and TI-CMC) or 100% (verified) recyclers.

Read about the latest and past Conflict Minerals Report (CMR)
Innovation and technology

Learn how IBM is supporting environmentally at-risk communities across the world with the IBM Sustainability Accelerator.

IBM Sustainability Accelerator
Education and News

Discover how IBM strives to make our world a better place through learning, sharing, and collaborating with companies across the globe.

Explore IBM's Journey in responsible minerals sourcing
Conflict Minerals Reports (CMR)
Take the next step

Explore IBM’s due diligence processes by reading our latest Conflict Minerals Report (CMR) or contact us at ibmrm@us.ibm.com for more information.


View IBM's responsible minerals policy