Compute and servers
Modernization to many organizations means deep, even disruptive, change. In addition, it’s been widely thought that the underlying technology beneath it all also must change to adapt. However, that’s not necessarily the case. With IBM® Power® and Red Hat®, you don’t need to change your existing hardware to take advantage of next-generation capabilities.
Expand coverage of banking (or other financial services) to unbanked population, while minimizing cost of new customer acquisition.
Deploy a centralized and efficient communications platform for customer relationship management (CRM).
With support for its Power8 processor-based environment coming to an end, collaborating closely with IBM and SVA to conduct a quick and seamless migration to Power10, Printus avoided maintenance extension costs and is supporting its future SAP S/4HANA migration.
Service Express significantly accelerated the time it takes to onboard a new client into a dedicated cloud platform with IBM Power servers, IBM Storage and Red Hat solutions.
To unlock innovation and synergy, Blanc und Fischer Services IT GmbH, part of BLANC & FISCHER Family Holding, worked with IBM and Red Hat to standardize its SAP applications to IBM® Power®, IBM Storage, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux. From kitchen water systems to factory-floor IoT solutions, the company is building a sustainable future.
Review best practices for building modern applications in an incremental, safe and economically sound manner.
Red Hat OpenShift and IBM Cloud® Paks on IBM Power bring the consistency developers need to build and deploy cloud-native applications and app modernization.
Manage data more efficiently, make faster decisions and get better insights.
This IBM Redbooks® is designed to show you how to implement a hybrid cloud solution that uses the industry leading hybrid cloud platform (Red Hat OpenShift) on IBM Power based servers.
This IBM® Redpaper provides a comprehensive overview of the security best practices for deploying Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Power.
Education, events, announcements, and other resources to help IBM Power ISVs grow their business.