Prozesse automatisieren. Voll integriert in Ihre IT-Systeme.
Fragen beantworten. Genau so, wie Sie es wollen. Ob kuratierte Antworten, Antwortvorlagen, die aus Datenbanken gefüllt werden, oder generiert von einer angebundenen KI-Suche.
Performance auswerten. Trainingsdaten anpassen. So einfach, dass auch die Fachabteilungen es nutzen können. Mit feingranularem Berechtigungsmanagement.
DSGVO-konform. Ohne Kompromisse.
Weitere Informationen lesen Sie unter:
- Industries
- Cross Industry
- Banking
- Automotive
- Aerospace and Defense
- Industrials and Manufacturing
- Healthcare
- Energy and utilities
- Financial Markets
- Life sciences
- Chemicals and petroleum
- Electronics
- Insurance
- Government, Federal
- Telecommunications
- Government, State/Provincial/ Local
- Retail
- Medical devices and supplies
- Travel and Transportation
- Consumer products
- Wholesale Distribution & Services
- Computer Services
- Education
- Media & Entertainment
- Professional Services
- Healthcare providers
- Construction and engineering
- Agriculture
- Hospitality
- Real Estate
- Machinery
- Public safety and policing
- Social services
- Mining and extraction
- Mining and metals
- Oil and gas
- Topics
- AI and ML
- Automation
- Business operations
- Services
- Deployment types
- SaaS
- On-premises
- Languages supported
- German
- English
- Regions and countries supported
- Europe - Switzerland, Germany, Denmark, Austria, Luxembourg, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Sweden, Spain, Poland, Norway, Netherlands, Liechtenstein, Italy, Ireland, France, Belgium