Arvind Krishna, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Jonathan H. Adashek, Senior Vice President, Marketing and Communications
Mohamad Ali, Senior Vice President, IBM Consulting
Kelly C. Chambliss, Senior Vice President, IBM Consulting, Americas
Gary D. Cohn, Vice Chairman
Jane P. Edwards, Vice President, Assistant General Counsel and Secretary
Nicolas A. Fehring, Vice President and Controller
Darío Gil, Senior Vice President and Director IBM Research
John Granger, Chairman, IBM Consulting
James J. Kavanaugh, Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Sebastian Krause, Senior Vice President and Chief Revenue Officer
Nickle J. LaMoreaux, Senior Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer
Ric Lewis, Senior Vice President, Infrastructure
Dinesh Nirmal, Senior Vice President, Products, IBM Software
Anne E. Robinson, Senior Vice President and Chief Legal Officer
Alexander F. Stern, Senior Vice President, Strategy and M&A
Robert D. Thomas, Senior Vice President, Software and Chief Commercial Officer
Brien Wierzchowski, Vice President and Treasurer
Joanne Wright, Senior Vice President, Transformation and Operations
Kareem Yusuf, Ph.D, Senior Vice President, Product Management and Growth, IBM Software