Home DevOps Automation IBM DevOps Automation
Automate your software delivery process for increased productivity and operational efficiency.
Read the 2023 Software Delivery Efficiency Report
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If software matters, the efficiency of software delivery matters

Delivering software and services at the speed the market demands requires teams to iterate and experiment rapidly. They must deploy new versions frequently, driven by feedback and data. The most successful development teams optimize efficiency by adopting a modern platform engineering culture and practices, embracing automation and value stream management, and assembling toolchains from best-in-class tools to unleash their productivity.

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See what you can achieve By leveraging IBM DevOps Automation featuring continuous testing, delivery, monitoring and value stream management, organizations like yours can: Read the 2023 Software Delivery Efficiency Report Become more efficient

Help developers stay creative and become more efficient by adopting automation, allowing them to deliver software more frequently.

Developers want more automation (2:24)
Ensure DevOps automation value

DevOps automation should add value and give access to the software delivery value flow data to all stakeholders. Efficiency depends on automation technology and an executive culture willing to invest in improving efficiency.

Maturing software delivery is a journey that requires data (2:45)
Measure the flow of value through your DevOps lifecycle

Efficiency blockers in DevOps are impacted by processes, skills, manual intervention, change requests, environment setup, tool usage and decisions. Close theloop in each phase of the application lifecycle through visibility, collaboration and observability of the flow assets.


Most DevOps toolchains are perceived as being inefficient (2:28)
Reduce your carbon footprint

Modern businesses are trying to balance what they can do to reduce their impact on the planet with their need to continuously develop, deliver and run software solutions.

Organizations are ready to minimize the environmental impact of software delivery (1:25)
Test efficiently and effectively

Find defects and calculate the change failure rate or the mean time to detecting and resolving issues. How your team performs against these metrics shows how efficiently problems are being fixed. Minimize the impact of testing and quality problems on the overall software release by visualizing activity metrics in the value flow, highlighting both quality and speed.

Quality is an essential part of the software delivery experience (2:40)
Move to data-driven DevOps

Understand your current level of DevOps automation maturity and potential in order to plan your journey to high-performing, continuous delivery of reliable and secure software. Speed digital transformations and improve return on investment (ROI) on DevOps automation tools.

Teams want help to identify efficiency blockers (1:52)
Use cases Plan

Achieve efficient planning, change and issue management with low-code or no-code workflow automation. Customize and enforce consistent development processes and consolidate data across projects and programs. Increase productivity with notifications and alerts for stakeholders when action is required.

Explore ClearQuest

Simplify your software architecture and use abstraction to preserve design intent and communicate models concisely, delivering auditable evidence of policy compliance.

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Take charge of your application build environment with a distributed, multiplatform build-management tool for configuring and running software builds.

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Explore all aspects of testing through a collection of continuous testing offerings for automated test creation, execution and analysis. Automated testing helps organizations assess the current state and security of software to make informed decisions about when to release.

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Discover the value of deployment automation that orchestrates the deployment of applications, databases and configurations into development, test and production environments with control and security. Accomplish more with out-of-the box integrations that enhance deployment processes.

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Automate the release of software through your development cycle’s phases from pre-production to production. Create and orchestrate a predictable schedule of application releases that you can share with all stakeholders allowing them to view key milestones and identify issues that might delay releases.

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Capture value streams and use AI to improve the efficiency of your software delivery. Collate data from across your software delivery toolchain to identify bottlenecks, manage delivery pipelines and generate reports for governance, audit and DORA metrics.

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Use IBM Rational tools, for configuration and change management or Eclipse based software architecture and development. Un-paralleled enterprise scalability and secure development support, automated workspace management, baseline management, secure version management, reliable build auditing, and flexible access virtually anytime, anywhere.

Explore ClearCase Explore Rational Software Architect Designer
Client stories Rabobank

Rabobank: Partnering with IBM to drive innovation


Reduced time required for new application releases by 75% and cut test time from weeks to hours.

QBE Insurance Group

Deploying integrated, end-to-end development environments in less than two hours through automation.

Daimler Trucks NA

Speeding application delivery by ~94% with IBM UrbanCode® Deploy software.

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