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Environmental impact

IBM is creating better pathways to conserve natural resources, reduce pollution and minimize climate-related risks

Read the 2023 IBM Impact Report
Our focus

At IBM, a committment to sustainability dates back to the 1970s, when we first established formal goals around energy conservation and waste management. 

In the years since, our cutting-edge research and technology puts us in a unique position to apply the lastest digital solutions to combat climate change, reduce GHG emissions and promote conservation and pollution prevention. 

The overarching goal? Create better pathways to reducing the impact on our planet and making it a safer place for all living things.

See how IBMers leverage technology in the 2023 IBM Impact Report

Our commitments
Energy and climate change
  • Implement a minimum of 3,000 energy conservation projects to avoid the consumption of 275,000 megawatt-hours (MWh) of energy from 2021 to 2025
  • Procure 75% of the electricity IBM consumes worldwide from renewable sources by 2025, and 90% by 2030
  • Reduce IBM’s operational GHG emissions 65% by 2025 against base year 2010, adjusted for acquisitions and divestitures
  • Reach net-zero operational GHG emissions by 2030
Conservation and biodiversity
  • Achieve a year-to-year reduction in water withdrawals at larger IBM locations in water-stressed regions1
  • Source paper and paper/wood-based packaging directly procured by IBM from forests that are sustainably managed and certified as such
  • Plant 50 pollinator gardens at IBM locations globally by year-end 2023 to support biodiversity

    1: Approximately 85% of water withdrawals at these locations are for domestic consumption in the workplace and heating, ventilating and air conditioning of buildings.
Pollution prevention and waste management
  • Divert 90% (by weight) of IBM’s total nonhazardous waste from landfill and incineration by 2025 through reuse, recycling, composting and waste-to-energy processes 
  • Use waste-to-energy processes for no more than 10% (by weight) of the diverted waste
  • Eliminate nonessential, single-use plastic items (including cups, straws, cutlery, plates, carry bags and food containers) from IBM-managed cafeteria operations globally by 2025
Solutions for sustainability
  • Document 100 client engagements or research projects in which IBM solutions have enabled demonstrable environmental benefits by 2025


See all IBM impact-related reports and policies