IBM is dedicated to hiring, supporting, educating and embracing people of all abilities.
We champion people with diverse abilities and the previously untapped potential they bring to the workplace. People with diverse abilities have training, education and experience to offer. Diverse Abilities include visual, hearing, motor and cognitive, or neurodiversity, a concept where neurological differences such as Autism, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity and Dyslexia, are to be recognized and respected as any other human variation. By embracing people with diverse abilities and tapping their potential, we put people of all abilities at the center of IBM's success.
Meet leaders focused on diversity of abilities at IBM
Meet the IBM Fellow and IBM Distinguished Service Professor
Diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder when she was a child, Ingrid is now an IBM QA Specialist
IBM's Global Neurodiversity Advancement Leader talks life at IBM
Listen to stories of society, culture and the diverse perspectives of IBMers around the globe
of the world's population (more than 1 billion people) experience a significant disability today. Disability is part of being human and is integral to the human experience.
WHO, March 2023 (link resides outside
people are neurodivergent. Neurological differences include autism, attention deficit hyperactivity, dyslexia and more.
MyDisabilityJobs (link resides outside
We’re teaming with external organizations devoted to making a difference, leveraging research and offering resources to our employees
IBM and IBMers stand with the neurodiverse community and call for change to ensure equality
Learn from established organizations about how to get involved and take action
IBM hired blind psychologist Michael Supa to create a program for hiring and training people with disabilities.
Japanese IBM Fellow Chieko Asakawa, who is blind, opened the web for non-visual access with her IBM Home Page Reader, which converts text to speech and helps blind people navigate the web.
Establishment of the IBM Human Ability and Accessibility Center within IBM Research. The 40-person organization leads compliance initiatives so IBM products comply with all government accessibility requirements; and works with clients and IBM® Business Partners to help them implement end-to-end policies, processes and solutions for accessibility.