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IBM DevOps Test UI

Automated testing capabilities for functional, regression, GUI and data-driven testing.

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What is IBM DevOps Test UI?

IBM DevOps Test UI is an automated functional and regression testing tool for GUI and data-driven testing. It supports a range of applications, including web-based, .Net, Java, Siebel, SAP, terminal emulator-based applications.

Benefits Storyboard testing

Simplify test visualization and editing using natural language and rendered screenshots.

Automated testing

Automate resilient tests of frequent application user interface changes with ScriptAssure technology.

Data-driven testing

Perform the same series of test actions with a varying set of test data.

Test scripting

Combine user action recorder with multiple customization options and intelligent script maintenance.

Integrates with other software

Integrate with IBM DevOps Automation solutions to access work items and logical or compound SCM test asset support.

Supports team collaboration

Share functional tests with team members and run on hybrid environments with integrations to DevOps Test Hub.

How DevOps Test UI works Visual editing through screenshots

Visual editing through application screenshots provides an understanding of the test flow and edit test actions without reading or writing test script code.

Advanced ScriptAssure technology

With ScriptAssure, DevOps Test UI can accommodate frequent user interface changes and avoid increases in maintenance overhead.

Earlier data detection

Automatically detect data entered during test recording and prepare the test for data-driven testing.

Test scripting

Supports Java and Visual Basic .NET scripting that allows editors to work in an Eclipse Java editor or Visual Studio .NET.

Integration with other software

IBM DevOps Test UI provides IBM Jazz® integration to support collaborative application lifecycle management.

Next steps

Learn more about IBM DevOps Test solutions.

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