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Intelligent Management: health policy administrative tasks

You can use the following administrative tasks to create, delete, and manage health policies.

createHealthPolicy command

The createHealthPolicy command creates a new health policy.
Table 1. createHealthPolicy command arguments
Argument Description
name (required) Specifies a name for the health policy that is unique in the cell.
description Specifies a description for the health policy.
reactionMode Specifies if runtime tasks are created before taking actions on a health policy, or if actions are automatic. The value can be SUPERVISE or AUTOMATIC.
Table 2. addCondition step arguments
Argument Description
type (required) Specifies the condition type. The value can be CUSTOM, AGE, WORKLOAD, MEMORY_LEAK, EXCESSIVE_MEMORY, EXCESSIVE_RESPONSE_TIME, EXCESSIVE_REQUEST_TIMEOUT, STORM_DRAIN or GC_PERCENTAGE. Each value has different parameters that you must specify.
expression If you are using a custom condition, then specify a subexpression to evaluate.
  • AGE
    • maxAge: Specifies maximum age.
    • ageUnits: Specifies the type of units for the age parameter. The value can be Days, Hours, or MINUTES.
    • totalRequests: Specifies total requests to service before restarting the members. The number must be greater than or equal to 1000.
    • level: Specifies the detection level for the memory leak. The value can beFAST, NORMAL, or CONSERVATIVE. The default is FAST.
    • timeOverThreshold: Specifies the offending time period for the excessive memory condition. The default is 1 MINUTE.
    • timeUnits: Specifies the units for the timeOverThreshold value. The value can be MINUTES or SECONDS. The default is MINUTES.
    • memoryUsed: Specifies a percentage that represents the maximum Java™ virtual machine (JVM) heap size to use for the JVM process. The value ranges from 1 to 99.
    • responseTime: Specifies the average response time that is considered to be excessive. When the average reaches this value, members restart.
    • responseTimeUnits: Specifies the time units for the response time. The value can be MINUTES, SECONDS, or MILLISECONDS.
    • timeoutPercent: Specifies the threshold value for the percentage of the timed out requests to cause a breach of condition. This value ranges from 1 to 99.
    • level: Specifies the detection level. The value can be NORMAL or CONSERVATIVE. NORMAL is less accurate, but can detect a storm drain condition quickly. CONSERVATIVE is the most accurate, but takes a longer time to detect a storm drain condition.
    • garbageCollectionPercent: The threshold value for the percentage of time spent in garbage collection. This value can be between 1 and 99. The default value is 10.
    • samplingPeriod: Sampling period for gathering garbage collection data. The total amount of time spent in garbage collection during the sampling time period must be higher than the threshold value prior to a corrective action. This value can go from 1 minute to 24 hours. The default value is 2 minutes.
    • samplingUnits: Specifies the time units for the samplingPeriod parameter. The value can be MINUTES or HOURS. The default value is MINUTES.
    • Avoid trouble: The garbageCollectionPercent and samplingPeriod parameters are required and must be specified in order to execute the command.
Table 3. addAction step arguments.

Use the addAction step arguments in table format. With table format, you specify the parameters in order without the parameter name.

Argument Description
type (required) Specifies the action type. The value can be CUSTOM, HEAPDUMP, THREADDUMP, RESTART_SERVER, SET_MAINT_MODE, MAINT_MODE_BREAK, or MAINT_MODE_STOP.
stepNum (required) Specifies the order in which to take the actions. Step 1 is completed first, and so on.
action Specifies the name of a custom action. Use the createHealthAction command to create a custom action. This parameter is only required for custom actions.
node Specifies the node on which to take the action. This parameter is only required for custom actions. Valid options are a node name or the empty string "".

server Specifies the server on which to take the action.

This parameter is required only for custom actions. Valid options are a server name or one of the following strings: Sick server or Node agent of the sick server. If either of these strings are used, the valid node value is the empty string, "".

Table 4. addMember step arguments.

Use the addMember step arguments in table format. With table format, you specify the parameters in order without the parameter name.

Argument Description
type (required) Specifies the type of member. The value can be CELL, CLUSTER, DYNAMIC_CLUSTER, SERVER, or ODR.
name (required) Specifies the name of the member.
node Specifies the name of the node. The node name is required if you select the SERVER type.

createHealthPolicy command examples

Interactive mode example usage:

  • Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask createHealthPolicy {-interactive}
  • Using Jython:
    AdminTask.createHealthPolicy ('[-interactive]')

Batch mode example usage in Jacl:

The following command creates a health policy with one of the predefined health conditions:

$AdminTask createHealthPolicy { -name myHealthPolicy -description "My Health Policy" -reactionMode SUPERVISE 
-addCondition { -type AGE -params {{maxAge 12} {ageUnits HOURS}} } -addAction {{HEAPDUMP 1}{CUSTOM 2 myAction 
myNode myServer} } -addMember {{SERVER myServer1 myNode1}{SERVER myServer2 mynode2}}

The following command creates a health policy with a custom condition:

$AdminTask createHealthPolicy { -name myHealthPolicy -description "My Health Policy" -reactionMode SUPERVISE 
-addCondition { -type CUSTOM -expression "ODRServerMetric_FromServerStart$errors  > 100L"  } 
-addAction {{HEAPDUMP 1}{CUSTOM 2 myAction myNode myServer} } -addMember {{SERVER myServer1 myNode1}{SERVER myServer2 mynode2}}
Put the expression for your custom condition in quotes.

Batch mode example usage in Jython:

The following command creates a health policy with one of the predefined health conditions:

AdminTask.createHealthPolicy('[ -name myHealthPolicy -description "My Health Policy" -reactionMode SUPERVISE -addCondition [ -type AGE -params [[maxAge 12] [ageUnits HOURS]] ] -addAction [[HEAPDUMP 1][CUSTOM 2 myAction myNode1 myServer1] ] -addMember [[SERVER myServer1 myNode1][SERVER myServer2 mynode2]]')

The following command creates a health policy with a custom condition:

AdminTask.createHealthPolicy('[ -name myHealthPolicy -description "My Health Policy" -reactionMode SUPERVISE -addCondition [ -type CUSTOM -expression "ODRServerMetric_FromServerStart$errors  > 100L"  ] -addAction [[HEAPDUMP 1][CUSTOM 2 myAction myNode1 myServer1] ] -addMember [[SERVER myServer1 myNode1]]')

modifyHealthPolicy command

The modifyHealthPolicy command changes an existing health policy.
Table 5. Initial arguments
Argument Description
name (required) Specifies the name of the health policy that you want to change.
reactionMode Specifies if runtime tasks are created before taking actions on a health policy, or if actions are automatic. The value can be SUPERVISE or AUTOMATIC.
Table 6. modifyCondition step arguments
Argument Description
type Specifies the condition type. The value can be CUSTOM, AGE, WORKLOAD, MEMORY_LEAK, EXCESSIVE_MEMORY, EXCESSIVE_RESPONSE_TIME, EXCESSIVE_REQUEST_TIMEOUT, STORM_DRAIN or GC_PERCENTAGE. Each value has different parameters that you must specify.
expression If you are using a custom condition, then specify a subexpression to evaluate.
  • AGE
    • maxAge: Specifies maximum age.
    • ageUnits: Specifies the type of units for the age parameter. The value can be Days, Hours, or MINUTES.
    • totalRequests: Specifies total requests to service before restarting the members. The number must be greater than or equal to 1000.
    • level: Specifies the detection level for the memory leak. The value can beFAST, NORMAL, or CONSERVATIVE. The default is FAST.
    • timeOverThreshold: Specifies the offending time period for the excessive memory condition. The default is 1 MINUTE.
    • timeUnits: Specifies the units for the timeOverThreshold value. The value can be MINUTES or SECONDS. The default is MINUTES.
    • memoryUsed: Specifies a percentage that represents the maximum Java virtual machine (JVM) heap size to use for the JVM process. The value ranges from 1 to 99.
    • responseTime: Specifies the average response time that is considered to be excessive. When the average reaches this value, members restart.
    • responseTimeUnits: Specifies the time units for the response time. The value can be MINUTES, SECONDS, or MILLISECONDS.
    • timeoutPercent: Specifies the threshold value for the percentage of the timed out requests to cause a breach of condition. This value ranges from 1 to 99.
    • level: Specifies the detection level. The value can be NORMAL or CONSERVATIVE. NORMAL is less accurate, but can detect a storm drain condition quickly. CONSERVATIVE is the most accurate, but takes a longer time to detect a storm drain condition.
    • garbageCollectionPercent: The threshold value for the percentage of time spent in garbage collection. This value can be between 1 and 99. The default value is 10.
    • samplingPeriod: Sampling period for gathering garbage collection data. The total amount of time spent in garbage collection during the sampling time period must be higher than the threshold value prior to a corrective action. This value can go from 1 minute to 24 hours. The default value is 2 minutes.
    • samplingUnits: Specifies the time units for the samplingPeriod parameter. The value can be MINUTES or HOURS. The default value is MINUTES.
    • Avoid trouble: The garbageCollectionPercent and samplingPeriod parameters are required and must be specified in order to execute the command.
Table 7. removeAction step arguments
Argument Description
name Specifies the name of the health action to remove. The name parameter is only used for custom actions.
type (required) Specifies the action type. The value can be CUSTOM, HEAPDUMP, THREADDUMP, RESTART_SERVER, SET_MAINT_MODE, MAINT_MODE_BREAK, or MAINT_MODE_STOP.
Table 8. addAction step arguments
Argument Description
type (required) Specifies the action type. The value can be CUSTOM, HEAPDUMP, THREADDUMP, RESTART_SERVER, SET_MAINT_MODE, MAINT_MODE_BREAK, or MAINT_MODE_STOP.
action Specifies the name of the health action. Use the createHealthAction command to create a custom action. This parameter is only required for custom actions.
node Specifies the node on which to take the action. This parameter is only required for custom actions. Valid options are a node name or the empty string "".
server Specifies the server on which to take the action.

This parameter is required only for custom actions. Valid options are a server name or one of the following strings: Sick server or Node agent of the sick server. If either of these strings are used, the valid node value is the empty string, "".

stepNum (required) Specifies the order in which to take the actions. Step 1 is completed first, and so on.
Table 9. orderAction step arguments
Argument Description
name Specifies the name of the health action. The name parameter is only used for custom actions.
stepNum (required) Specifies the order in which to take the actions. Step 1 is completed first, and so on.
Table 10. addMember step arguments
Argument Description
type (required) Specifies the type of member. The value can be CELL, CLUSTER, DYNAMIC_CLUSTER, SERVER, or ODR.
name (required) Specifies the name of the member.
node Specifies the name of the node. The node name is required if you select the SERVER type.

modifyHealthPolicy command examples

Interactive mode example usage:

  • Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask modifyHealthPolicy {-interactive}
  • Using Jython:
    AdminTask.modifyHealthPolicy ('[-interactive]')

Batch mode example usage in Jacl:

$AdminTask modifyHealthPolicy { -name myHealthPolicy -removeAction { -type HEAPDUMP } }

Batch mode example usage in Jython:

AdminTask.modifyHealthPolicy('[  -name myHealthPolicy -removeAction [ -type HEAPDUMP ] ]')

deleteHealthPolicy command

The deleteHealthPolicy command removes the named health policy.
Table 11. deleteHealthPolicy command arguments
Argument Description
name (required) Specifies the health policy name to delete.

deleteHealthPolicy command examples

Batch mode example usage:

  • Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask deleteHealthPolicy {-name MyHealthPolicy}
  • Using Jython:

Interactive mode example usage:

  • Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask deleteHealthPolicy {-interactive}
  • Using Jython:
    AdminTask.deleteHealthPolicy ('[-interactive]')

listHealthPolicies command

The listHealthPolicies command lists each configured health policy in the cell.

listHealthPolicies command examples

  • Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask listHealthPolicies
  • Using Jython:

createHealthAction command

The createHealthAction command creates a new health action that you can use when you define your health policies.
Table 12. createHealthAction command arguments
Argument Description
name (required) Specifies a name for the health action.
You can create a Java action or an action that is any other type of executable file.
Table 13. non-Java step arguments
Argument Description
executable Specifies the executable file path. This argument is required if you specify a nonJava step argument.
executableArgs Specifies a string array of arguments to pass to the executable file.
osNames Specifies a comma-delimited list of operating systems. Specify null to have the action apply for each operating system. The valid operating system names include: windows, unix, and zos.
workingDir Specifies the location in the file system from where the command is invoked. This argument is required if you specify a nonJava step argument.
usernameVar Specifies a variable for the user name.
userNameVal Specifies the value of the user name variable.
passwordVar Specifies a variable for the password.
passwordVal Specifies the value of the password variable.
Table 14. Java step arguments
Argument Description
javaDir Specifies the location of your Java executable file, for example, ${JAVA_HOME}. You can specify a variable or a path.
executableTargetType Specifies the file type that you are using for your Java executable file. The value can be EXECUTABLE_JAR or JAVA_CLASS.
executable Specifies the executable file path. This argument is required if you specify a Java step argument.
exectuableArgs Specifies a string array of arguments to pass to the executable file.
osNames Specifies a comma-delimited list of operating systems. Specify null to have the action apply for each operating system. The valid operating system names include: windows, unix, and zos.
pidVarName Specifies the Java process id variable name.
workingDir Specifies the location in the file system from where the command is invoked. This argument is required if you specify a Java step argument.
usernameVar Specifies a variable for the user name.
usernameVal Specifies the value of the user name variable.
passwordVar Specifies a variable for the password.
passwordVal Specifies the value of the password variable.

createHealthAction command examples

Batch mode example usage:

  • Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask createHealthAction { -name myAction -java { -javaDir c:\java\bin -executableTargetType EXECUTABLE_JAR -executable test.jar -executableArgs "{arg1}{arg2a arg2b}" -osNames "windows, unix" -pidVarName pvn -workingDir c:\workingDir } }
  • Using Jython:
    AdminTask.createHealthAction('[ -name myAction -java [ -javaDir c:\java\bin -executableTargetType EXECUTABLE_JAR -executable test.jar -executableArgs "[arg1][arg2a arg2b]" -osNames "windows, unix" -pidVarName pvn -workingDir c:\workingDir ] ]')

Interactive mode example usage:

  • Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask createHealthAction {-interactive}
  • Using Jython:

modifyHealthAction command

Use the modifyHealthAction command to modify an existing health action.
Table 15. modifyHealthAction command arguments
Argument Description
name (required) Specifies a name for the health action that you want to modify.
Table 16. non-Java step arguments
Argument Description
executable Specifies the executable file path.
executableArgs Specifies a string array of arguments to pass to the executable file.
workingDir Specifies the location in the file system from where the command is invoked.
usernameVar Specifies a variable for the user name.
usernameVal Specifies the value of the user name variable.
passwordVar Specifies a variable for the password.
passwordVal Specifies the value of the password variable.
Table 17. Java step arguments
Argument Description
javaDir Specifies the location of your Java executable file, for example, ${JAVA_HOME}. You can specify a variable or a path.
executableTargetType Specifies the file type that you are using for your Java executable file. The value can be EXECUTABLE_JAR or JAVA_CLASS.
executable Specifies the executable file path.
executableArgs Specifies a string array of arguments to pass to the executable file.
pidVarName Specifies the Java process id variable name.
usernameVar Specifies a variable for the user name.
usernameVal Specifies the value of the user name variable.
passwordVar Specifies a variable for the password.
passwordVal Specifies the value of the password variable.
workingDir Specifies the location in the file system from where the command is invoked.

modifyHealthAction command examples

Batch mode example usage:

  • Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask modifyHealthAction { -name myAction -java { -javaDir c:\java\bin -executableTargetType EXECUTABLE_JAR -executable test.jar -executableArgs "{arg1}{arg2a arg2b}" -pidVarName pvn -workingDir c:\workingDir } }
  • Using Jython:
    AdminTask.modifyHealthAction('[ -name myAction -java [ -javaDir c:\java\bin -executableTargetType EXECUTABLE_JAR -executable test.jar -executableArgs "[arg1][arg2a arg2b]" -pidVarName pvn -workingDir c:\workingDir ] ]')

Interactive mode example usage:

  • Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask modifyHealthAction {-interactive}
  • Using Jython:

deleteHealthAction command

The deleteHealthAction command removes a health action.
Table 18. deleteHealthAction command arguments
Argument Description
name (required) Specifies a name for the health action.

deleteHealthAction command examples

Batch mode example usage:

  • Using Jacl:
    $Admintask deleteHealthAction {-name myHealthAction}
  • Using Jython:
    AdminTask.deleteHealthAction('-name myHealthAction')

listHealthActions command

The listHealthActions command lists each of the defined health actions in the cell.

listHealthActions command examples

Batch mode example usage:

  • Using Jacl:
    $Admintask listHealthActions
  • Using Jython:

executeHealthAction command

The executeHealthAction command runs the specified health action.
Table 19. executeHealthAction command arguments
Argument Description
name (required) Specifies the name of the health action that you want to run.
node (required) Specifies the node on which to take the action. This parameter is only required for custom actions. Valid options are a node name or the empty string "".
server (required) Specifies the server on which to take the action.
cell Specifies the cell on which to run the health action.
timeout Specifies a timeout value for running the health action.
variables Specifies java.util.Properties values of variables.

executeHealthAction command examples

Batch mode example usage:

  • Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask executeHealthAction {-name myHealthAction -node myNode -server myServer}
  • Using Jython:
    AdminTask.executeHealthAction ('[-name myHealthAction -node myNode -server myServer]')

Interactive mode example usage:

  • Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask executeHealthAction {-interactive}
  • Using Jython:
    AdminTask.executeHealthAction ('[-interactive]')

Simplified script management

You can run a script from the {WAS_HOME}/bin directory if you are seeking a more streamlined approach to managing health policies.
./wsadmin.sh -lang jython -f healthpolicy.py
This script provides you with a guided interface for several health policy operations.

Health policy operation examples:

  • Age health policy with automated restart:
    ./wsadmin.sh -lang jython -f healthpolicy.py createHealthPolicy --hpname Daily --hcond 0 --tt 1 --tunits 4
  • Response time health policy with supervised restart:
    ./wsadmin.sh -lang jython -f healthpolicy.py createHealthPolicy --hpname TenSec --hcond 2 --tt 10 --tunits 0 --hrmode 2
  • Memory leak policy with automated heap dumps:
    ./wsadmin.sh -lang jython -f healthpolicy.py createHealthPolicy --hpname Leaky --hcond 4 --hrs 0,2 -hpd "memory leak policy"

This aims to simplify navigation through health policy configurations, facilitating the implementation and management of policies tailored to system health requirements.