Java SE version migration

Under the Java Code Review set of rules, Java SE Migration category contains rules for migrating from J2SE 1.4, J2SE 5.0, Java SE 6, Java SE 7, Java SE 8 or Java SE 11. Java migration targets are Java SE 8, 11 and 17.

The Sun to IBM Java compatibility impacts category provides a set of rules to migrate Sun APIs that are not available on the IBM Java Runtime Environment. Where possible, the rules migrate the code to use or classes.

The specific rules selected depends on your selection of the source Java Runtime Environment that your application previously used and the version of WebSphere you are migrating to. For Liberty, you can choose Java SE 8, 11 or 17 as your target. For WebSphere traditional, you must migrate to Java SE 8.

Quick fixes are available where possible. Rules without quick fixes flag the rule violations so you can evaluate their usage and migrate the code manually if needed.

J2SE 5.0 compatibility impacts

Table 1. J2SE 5.0 compatibility impacts
Rule Name Quick Fix Action Taken
Check for JAXP API usage compatibility No

The JAXP APIs used in JRE 1.4.2 might have compatibility issues when used in JRE 5. This rule detects the import of any JAXP-related packages so that you can check the usage.

Check for JAXP EntityResolver.resolveEntity() exception compatibility No

JAXP EntityResolver.resolveEntity(String, String) now throws the exception, IOException, in addition to SAXException. This rule detects the missing IOException.

Check for new JAXP DOM APIs No

New JAXP DOM APIs where added to the following interfaces:

  • org.w3c.dom.Attr
  • org.w3c.dom.Document
  • org.w3c.dom.DOMImplementation
  • org.w3c.dom.Element
  • org.w3c.dom.Entity
  • org.w3c.dom.Node
  • org.w3c.dom.Text

This rule detects classes that implement any of these interfaces and flags them so that the new interfaces can be added.

Check Java Object Serialization compatibility No

Serialization in not consistent between Java 1.4 and Java 5.0. This rule detects the classes that implement without a serialVersionUID field.

Do not make direct references to IBMJSSEFIPS provider classes No

The IBMJSSEFIPS provider has been included in the IBMJSSE2 support. References to the classes of the previous provider,*, must be removed.

This rule detects the use of any reference to packages.

Do not use APIs from packages Yes

The classes and interfaces in the package have been replaced by classes and interfaces in the package. This rule detects the use of any reference to packages.

The quick fix changes package names to

Do not use APIs from sun.* packages No

Some APIs in the sun.* packages changed in JRE 5 and have compatibility issues with JRE 1.4.2. These APIs are not intended for use by developers. This rule detects the use of any reference to sun.* packages.

Do not use JAXP 1.1 internal classes No

Internal JAXP classes changed. Do not use these internal classes in these packages:

  1. org.apache.crimson.*
  2. org.apache.xml.*
  3. org.apache.xalan.*
  4. org.apache.xpath.*
  5. org.apache.xalan.xsltc.*

This rule detects the use of these packages and flags them.

Do not use JAXP 1.1 package names in string literals No

Some of the implementation package names changed between JAXP 1.1 and JAXP 1.3. This rule detects JAXP 1.1 package names used in string literals.

Do not use removed IBMJSSE APIs No

In the conversion from IBMJSSE to IBMJSSE2 two of the JSSE classes were removed. This rule detects the use of any reference to KeyManagerFactoryParametersSpec and Since KeyManagerFactoryParametersSpec was migrated to KeyManagerFactoryParametersSpec and then removed from use, KeyManagerFactoryParametersSpec is also detected with this rule.

Do not use the Java reserved word enum No

Beginning in Java 5.0, enum is a reserved Java type and cannot be used as a variable name any longer. If your code uses variables named enum, they must be renamed. This rule detects variables and arguments named enum.

Use the BigDecimal toPlainString() method explicitly when deriving a string value No

The BigDecimal toString() method behaves differently than in earlier versions. J2SE 5.0 added toPlainString() to BigDecimal, which behaves like the toString() method in earlier versions. This rule detects the implicit use of the toString() method in a class.

Use the BigDecimal toPlainString() method instead of the toString() method Yes

The BigDecimal toString() method behaves differently than in earlier versions. J2SE 5.0 added toPlainString() to BigDecimal, which behaves like the toString() method in earlier versions.

The quick fix changes toString to toPlainString.

Use the IBMJSSE2 Provider Yes

In the conversion from IBMJSSE to IBMJSSE2, the providers, IBMJSSEProvider and JSSEProvider, are replaced by IBMJSSEProvider2. This rule detects the use of any reference to and classes.

The quick fix changes the reference to

Java SE 6 compatibility impacts

Table 2. Java SE 6 compatibility impacts
Rule Name Quick Fix Action Taken
Check exception logic for calls to EventHandler No

In Java SE 6, the EventHandler constructor and create() methods require non-null parameters to be passed. This rule flags the constructor and create() method calls so that you can verify your logic handles a NullPointerException properly.

Check for Duration and XMLGregorianCalendar equals() compatibility No

Detect the use of Duration and XMLGregorianCalendar equals() method. Java 6 now returns false if the parameter passed is null. The exception, NullPointerException, was thrown previously.

Check for new methods on Java SQL interfaces No

The java.sql.Wrapper interface was added as a superinterface to several Java SQL interfaces. When you move to Java 6, missing methods must be added to classes that implement the interfaces that added java.sql.Wrapper.

Check for the OverlappingFileLockException for the FileChannel lock() method No

In Java SE 6, the FileChannel.lock() method now throws OverlappingFileLockException. This rule flags the lock() method calls without a catch block for OverlappingFileLockException or without a throws declaration for OverlappingFileLockException on the method.

Remove use of double slashes in JMX ObjectName elements No

Detect the use of the double-slash character string ("//") in JMX ObjectNames.

Java SE 7 compatibility impacts

Table 3. Java SE 7 compatibility impacts
Rule Name Quick Fix Action Taken
Check for a behavior change for an empty TreeSet add and TreeMap put methods No This rule flags the use of java.util.TreeSet or java.util.TreeMap. Depending on the configuration of the rule, either the constructor or the add()/put() methods of these classes will get flagged. A new behavior is added in Java 7 for these methods.
Check for a behavior change for AWT Exception Handler No This rule flags the string literal sun.awt.exception.handler. A new exception handling mechanism is added in Java 7.
Check for a behavior change for File setReadOnly, setWritable and canWrite methods No This rule flags the methods setReadOnly(), setWritable(boolean arg) and setWritable(boolean arg, boolean user). A new behavior is added in Java 7 for these methods.
Check for a behavior change for URLConnection, HttpURLConnection getInputStream method No This rule flags the getInputStream() method on URLConnection or HttpURLConnection. This method has a new behavior in Java 7.
Check for a behavior change on DatagramChannel send, receive, and connect methods No This rule flags calls to the java.nio.channels.DatagramChannel send, receive, and connect methods that have a new behavior in Java 7.
Check for a behavior change on the isLowerCase and isUpperCase methods No This rule flags the isLowerCase and isUpperCase methods. There is a very slight chance that a behavior change in these methods could affect your application.
Check for a behavior change on Locale getDefault method No This rule flags calls to the java.util.Locale getDefault() method as it has a new behavior.
Check for a behavior change on MouseEvent getButton method No This rule flags instances of the java.awt.event.MouseEvent getButton() method as it has a new behavior.
Check for a behavior change on ThreadGroup setMaxPriority method No This rule flags the method setMaxPriority on a ThreadGroup object. The method behavior has changed in JDK 7.
Check for a behavior change on Toolkit getPrintJob method No This rule flags instances of the java.awt.Toolkit getPrintJob(...) method as it has a new behavior.
Check for a behavior change on Window setBackground method No This rule flags calls to the java.awt.Window setBackground() method because its behavior changed by throwing a new exception.
Check for classes implementing the TypeVisitor interface No This rule flags classes implementing the javax.lang.model.type.TypeVisitor interface. In Java SE 7, a new method was added to this interface.
Check for new methods on JDBC interfaces No This rule detects classes that implement the JDBC interfaces that added new methods. The interfaces include java.sql.Connection, java.sql.Driver, java.sql.Statement, and javax.sql.CommonDataSource.
Do not define methods declared as final in java.lang.Throwable No

This rule detects class that extend java.lang.Throwable that implement methods addSuppressed and getSuppressed which were added as new final methods in Java 7.

Do not override the Path2D getPathIterator methods No This rule flags the Path2D getPathIterator methods. These methods are now marked final in Java 7.
Do not use removed class XSLTProcessorApplet No This rule detects the use of the class org.apache.xalan.client.XSLTProcessorApplet. This class has been removed from JDK 7 release.
Do not use the LinkedHashMap.Entry class Yes This rules flags uses of the java.util.LinkedHashMap.Entry class as it is no longer accessible in Java SE 7.

Java SE 8 compatibility impacts

Java 8 is supported on Liberty and WebSphere Application Server traditional V8.5.5.9 and later.

Table 4. Java SE 8 compatibility impacts
Rule Name Quick Fix Action Taken
Behavior change in exceptions thrown when setting AWT focus traversal keys No In Java 8, the java.awt.Component setFocusTraversalKeys and the java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager setDefaultFocusTraversalKeys methods throw ClassCastException instead of IllegalArgumentException if any passed keystroke object is not an AWTKeyStroke.
Behavior change in java.lang.String and java.util.regex.Pattern split methods No In Java 8, the behavior of the split methods could lead to the removal of the empty String that is present at the beginning of the returning array.
Behavior change in month name formatting for some languages No In Java 8, when formatting date-time values using the DateFormat and SimpleDateFormat classes, context-sensitive month names are supported for languages that have different date formatting and standalone forms of month names. You might see a difference in the month name returned in strings formatted by the DateFormat or SimpleDateFormat classes or by methods on the DateFormatSymbols class.
Behavior change in most Collection.removeAll and Collection.retainAll implementations No Prior to Java 8, most implementations of Collection.removeAll(Collection) and retainAll(Collection) return false and ignore a null parameter if the collection itself is empty. In Java 8, collections throw a NullPointerException if null is provided as the parameter.
Behavior change in new instance creation for non-public interfaces No In Java 8, a code change is required to create a proxy instance for non-public interfaces located in a different package using the Proxy.getProxyClass and Constructor.newInstance methods.
Behavior change in rounding in NumberFormat and DecimalFormat format methods No In Java 8, the rounding behavior of the NumberFormat and DecimalFormat format methods changed to match the rounding of the binary representation of the number.
Behavior change in the BigDecimal stripTrailingZeros method for a zero value No Java 8 introduces a behavior change when java.math.BigDecimal stripTrailingZeros operates on a zero value with a nonzero scale.
Behavior change in the construction of dynamic proxy classes No In Java 8, calling java.lang.reflect.Proxy(InvocationHandler) with a null parameter throws a NullPointerException. Prior to Java 8, the constructor returns a proxy, but any method calls on that proxy throw a NullPointerException.
Check for classes that implement the TypeVisitor interface No Java 8 added a new method to the javax.lang.model.type.TypeVisitor interface. This rule flags classes that implement this interface.
DatagramPacket constructor with SocketAddress no longer declares SocketException No In Java 8, constructors were changed to remove the SocketException declaration. This rule flags constructors that accept a argument when the constructors are within a try block that catches either a or its superclass
Differences in class loading for JAXP service providers No Java 8 includes Java API for XML Processing (JAXP) 1.6, which handles class loading for service providers differently than previous versions.
java.lang.Thread stop(java.lang.Throwable) is disabled No In Java 8, the java.lang.Thread.stop(java.lang.Throwable) method is disabled.
MBean and MXBean interfaces must be public Yes Java 8 enforces the requirement that MBean and MXBean management interfaces be public. Non-public interfaces are not allowed to expose the management functionality. This specification requirement was not enforced in Java 7 and prior versions.
New methods in java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap No In Java 8, the ConcurrentHashMap class introduced over 30 new methods. If you extend the java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap class, your class might need changes.
The mechanism to select a locale service provider changed No In Java 8, the mechanism to select a locale service provider changed. A new method in the LocaleServiceProvider class allows implementations to determine whether the given locale is supported.

Java SE 11 compatibility impacts

Java 11 is supported on Liberty v19.0.0.1 and later.

Table 5. Java SE 11 compatibility impacts
Rule Name Quick Fix Action Taken
Avoid using the deprecated RMIIIOPServerImpl class No This rule flags the use of the RMIIIOPServerImpl class. This class was deprecated in Java SE 11.
Behavior change in default locale data No The Unicode Consortium's Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR) is enabled as the default locale data in Java 11. In previous releases, the default was JRE, which is now known as COMPAT. Code that uses locale-sensitive services such as date, time, and number formatting may produce different results with the CLDR locale data.
Behavior change in exceptions when calling the Class.getAnnotation() method No In Java 11, the java.lang.Class.getAnnotation() method throws a java.lang.TypeNotPresentException instead of java.lang.ArrayStoreException if the annotation has an array value that references a missing class.
Behavior change in java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor. finalize() method No In Java 11, the java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.finalize() method no longer shuts down the thread pool.
Behavior change in the java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles. filterArguments method No This rule flags applications that use the java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.filterArguments method.
Behavior change in the constructor No This rule flags applications that use the constructor if the impact provided is not one of INFO, ACTION, ACTION_INFO, or UNKNOWN
Behavior change on java.xml API methods with raw types No In Java 11, the java.xml APIs containing method declarations with raw types were updated to add a type parameter.
Check for a behavior change on the Selector select and selectNow methods No This rule flags the and java.nio.channels.Selector.selectNow() methods. The methods behavior has changed in JDK 11.
Check for behavior changes related to the separation of blocking and non-blocking code paths for I/O channels No In Java 11, separate blocking and non-blocking code paths were created for I/O channels to increase performance and reliability. This rule flags API calls that might be impacted by the behavior change.
Check for configuration changes related to the Krb5LoginModule class No This rule flags any reference to related classes that might require configuration changes when migrating to Java 11.
Check for removed methods on Pack200.Packer and Pack200.Unpacker interfaces No The addPropertyChangeListener and removePropertyChangeListener are no longer defined on the Pack200.Packer and Pack200.Unpacker interfaces in Java 11.
Do not use APIs from the com.sun.image.codec.jpeg package No The com.sun.image.codec.jpeg API is not available in Java SE 11.
Do not use APIs from the com.sun.xml.internal.bind.* packages No The APIs in com.sun.xml.internal.bind.* packages are no longer available in Java SE 11.
Do not use APIs from the sun.* packages No The sun.* APIs are unsupported, JDK-internal APIs, and may go away at any time.
Do not use class No The Class is not available in Java SE 11. This rule flags any reference to the Class.
Do not use removed com.sun classes No This rule flags com.sun classes that are not available in Java SE 11.
Do not use removed runFinalizersOnExit methods No The java.lang.Runtime.runFinalizersOnExit and java.lang.System.runFinalizersOnExit methods were removed from Java SE 11.
Do not use the Krb5LoginModule class No The class is not available in Java SE 11.
Do not use the com.sun.xml.internal.bind.v2. ContextFactory class Yes The com.sun.xml.internal.bind.v2.ContextFactory is no longer available in Java SE 11.
Do not use the getPeer method No All methods in the Java SE API that return a class from the java.awt.peer package have been removed from Java 11. To see if a peer has been set yet, use the Component.isDisplayable() method. To test if a component is lightweight, use the Component.isLightWeight() method.
Do not use the java.lang.ref.Reference clone method No The java.lang.ref.Reference clone method is no longer supported in Java 11.
Do not use the netdoc URL protocol No The netdoc protocol handler has been removed in Java 11.
Do not use the removed and sun.plugin.dom.DOMObject APIs No The and sun.plugin.dom.DOMObject APIs are not available in Java SE 11.
Do not use the removed NimbusLookAndFeel or apple.laf.AquaLookAndFeel Swing LookAndFeel No The and apple.laf.AquaLookAndFeel Swing LookAndFeels are no longer supported by the javax.swing.UIManager.setLookAndFeel method in Java SE 11.
Do not use the removed java.lang.Thread.destroy() or java.lang.Thread.stop(java.lang.Throwable) methods No The java.lang.Thread.destroy() and java.lang.Thread.stop(java.lang.Throwable) methods have been removed in Java SE 11.
Do not use the removed javax.crypto.ExemptionMechanism. finalize() method No The javax.crypto.ExemptionMechanism.finalize() method was removed from Java SE 11.
Do not use the removed jdk.Exported annotation No The jdk.Exported annotation is not available in Java SE 11.
Do not use the removed methods addPropertyChangeListener or removePropertyChangeListener from LogManager No The addPropertyChangeListener and removePropertyChangeListener methods are not available on the java.util.logging.LogManager class in Java 11.
Do not use the removed Runtime.getLocalizedInputStream and Runtime.getLocalizedOutputStream methods No The Runtime.getLocalizedInputStream and Runtime.getLocalizedOutputStream methods were removed from Java SE 11.
Do not use the SecurityManager removed methods No This rule flags methods that were removed from the java.lang.SecurityManager class in Java SE 11.
Java 11 version number format change No Java 11 marks the beginning of a new version number naming convention. The version numbers format changed from 1.8 (Java 8) to 11 (Java 11).
Review resource cleanup on FileInputStream and FileOutputStream overridden close method No This rule flags the close() method on subclasses of and
Run the Java class dependency analyzer tool (JDeps) No The JDK ships a command line utility called jdeps that analyzes class dependencies. The tool can be used to identify jdk internal packages that are no longer available in JDK 11.
The java.awt.peer and java.awt.dnd.peer packages are not accessible No All methods in the Java SE API that refer to types defined in the java.awt.peer and java.awt.dnd.peer packages have been removed from Java 11. Code that calls a method that previously accepted or returned a type defined in these packages no longer compiles or runs in Java 11.
The java.nio.channels.DatagramChannel.send() method throws AlreadyConnectedException instead of IllegalArgumentException No When the address passed to the java.nio.channels.DatagramChannel. send(ByteBuffer,SocketAddress) method is different than the connected address, this method throws an AlreadyConnectedException instead of an IllegalArgumentException in Java SE 11.
The java.nio.channels.Selector and java.nio.channels.SelectableChannel classes can be used in concurrent threads safely No The java.nio.channels.Selector and java.nio.channels.SelectableChannel classes have been updated to be used in concurrent threads safely in Java SE 11.
The java.transaction module was removed from JDK 11 No This rule flags applications that use packages in the javax.transaction module.
The java.xml.bind and java.activation modules were removed from JDK 11 (Custom Implementation) No This rule flags applications that use packages in the java.xml.bind or java.activation modules and package their own JAXB implementation.
The java.xml.bind and java.activation modules were removed from JDK 11 (Default Implementation) No This rule flags applications that use packages in the java.xml.bind or java.activation modules and use the WebSphere default JAXB implementation.
The JavaFX modules were removed from JDK 11 No The JavaFX modules are not available in Java SE 11.
URLClassLoader constructors and newInstance() calls throw a NullPointerException when the array contains a null element No URLClassLoader constructors and newInstance() calls throw a NullPointerException when the URL array contains a null element in Java SE 11.
The Java Web Start technology was removed from JDK 11 No The Java Web Start technology is not available in JDK 11. This rule flags jnlp files in an application.
Behavior change for the ForkJoinPool common pool class loader No This rule flags methods that may behave differently based on the thread context class loader propagation for an application.

Table 6. Java SE 11 compatibility impacts (not Liberty Core)
Rule Name Quick Fix Action Taken
The java.corba module was removed from JDK 11 No This rule flags applications that use packages in the java.corba module.
The module was removed from JDK 11 (Custom Implementation) No This rule flags applications that use packages in the module and package their own JAX-WS implementation.
The module was removed from JDK 11 (Default Implementation) No This rule flags applications that use packages in the module and use the WebSphere default JAX-WS implementation.

The IBM XML implementation is removed in Java 11. See Determining application compatibility: XML for more information.

Table 7. Java SE 11 IBM XML implementation compatibility impacts
Rule Name Quick Fix Action Taken
Detected dependencies on internal packages of the IBM XML implementation No This rule flags references to IBM XML internal packages.
Detected string literal references to IBM XML implementation specific configuration parameters No This rule flags string literal references to IBM XML implementation specific configuration parameters.
Detected string literal references to internals of the IBM XML implementation No This rule flags string literal references to the IBM XML implementation.

Java SE 17 compatibility impacts

Java 17 is supported on Liberty and later. The Java SE 17 compatibility impacts include all the compatibility impacts from Java SE versions 12 to 17.

Table 8. Java SE 17 compatibility impacts
Rule Name Quick Fix Action Taken
Behavior change in Properties.loadFromXML method for non-compliant XML documents No This rule flags java.util.Properties.loadFromXML​( method calls. The method throws an exception for non-compliant XML documents in Java SE 12.
Behavior change for the user.timezone system property No This rule flags System.getProperty method calls with the user.timezone property value. The method may return null in Java SE 12.
Do not use the removed FileInputStream.finalize() and FileOutputStream.finalize() methods No The and methods were removed from Java SE 12.
Do not use the com.sun.awt.SecurityWarning class No The com.sun.awt.SecurityWarning class was removed from Java SE 12.
Do not use the removed ZipFile.finalize(), Inflater.finalize() and Deflater.finalize() methods No The, and methods were removed from Java SE 12.
Do not use the removed Runtime.traceInstructions(boolean) and Runtime.traceMethodCalls(boolean) methods No The java.lang.Runtime.traceInstructions(boolean) and java.lang.Runtime.traceMethodCalls(boolean) methods were removed from Java SE 13.
The java.util.jar.Pack200 APIs were removed No The java.util.jar.Pack200 class was removed in addition to its java.util.jar.Pack200.Packer and java.util.jar.Pack200.Unpacker interfaces.
The system property was removed No The system property was removed in Java SE 14. This rule flags string literal references to ""
The package was removed No The package was removed in Java SE 14, the classes should be used instead.
Weak named curves have been removed No Weak named curves have been removed from the SunEC provider in Java SE 16. This rule flags references to any of the weak named curves.
Check for a namespace clash with the new java.lang.Record class No The java.lang.Record class has been added in Java SE 14. To avoid a namespace clash, ensure that any other class named "Record" is imported using a single-type import (for example: "") instead of a wild-card import (for example: "*").
The netscape.javascript.JSObject.getWindow(Applet) method has been removed No The netscape.javascript.JSObject.getWindow(Applet) method was removed in Java SE 14. Since the method was only used with Java Plugins, which have also been removed, there is no replacement for this method.
Check for a behavior change on the DatagramPacket.getPort() method No The default return value for the DatagramPacket.getPort() method was changed from -1 to 0 in Java SE 15.
The RMIConnectorServer.CREDENTIAL_TYPES constant was removed No The RMIConnectorServer.CREDENTIAL_TYPES constant was removed in Java SE 15.
The SSLSession.getPeerCertificateChain() method implementation has been removed No The default SSLSession.getPeerCertificateChain() method implementation has been removed in Java SE 15.
The Modifier() and ConstantBootstraps() constructors have been removed No The Modifier() and ConstantBootstraps() constructors have been removed in Java SE 15.
The SO_FLOW_SLA Solaris socket option has been removed No The SO_FLOW_SLA Solaris socket option and related SocketFlow and SocketFlow.Status classes have been removed in Java SE 15.
The provider name was removed Yes The legacy SunJSSE provider name has been removed in Java SE 15. It should be replaced with the SunJSSE provider name.
Check for the isEmpty() default method on the java.lang.CharSequence interface No A default isEmpty() method has been added to the java.lang.CharSequence interface in Java SE 15. Classes that implement java.lang.CharSequence and another interface that defines a default isEmpty() method might need to be updated.
Java SE 17 general information and potential issues No General information on the changes in Java SE 17 and potential migration issues that are not detected by this tool.
The ToolProvider() constructor has been removed No The ToolProvider constructor has been removed in Java SE 16.
Avoid using the deprecated methods in java.lang.Thread and java.lang.ThreadGroup No The suspend and resume methods within java.lang.Thread and the suspend, resume, and allowThreadSuspension methods within java.lang.ThreadGroup were deprecated in Java SE 14. The stop, destroy, isDestroyed, setDaemon and isDaemon methods within java.lang.ThreadGroup were deprecated in Java SE 16.
Check for the toList() default method on the interface No A default toList() method has been added to the interface in Java SE 16. Classes that implement and another interface that defines a default toList() method might need to be updated.
Check for a behavior change on the HttpPrincipal.getName() method No The value returned by the HttpPrincipal.getName() method was changed in Java SE 16.
Check for a behavior change in the class No The definition of line terminator in the class was changed in Java SE 16.
Avoid using the deprecated APIs No The getIssuerDN, getSubjectDN, getIssuerDN, setIssuer, setSubject, getIssuerAsString, getSubjectAsString, and addIssuerName methods within,,, and were deprecated in Java SE 16.
Check for a behavior change in the on HttpClient.newHttpClient and No Instantiating may throw an UncheckedIOException if there are not enough underlying resources.
Avoid using the deprecated methods in java.util.logging.LogRecord No The getThreadID and setThreadID methods within java.util.logging.LogRecord were deprecated in Java SE 16.
Avoid using deprecated primitive wrapper class constructors No Primitive wrapper class constructors were deprecated in Java SE 16.
Avoid using synchronization on any value-based classes No Synchronization on instances of all value-based classes in Java SE 16 is discouraged.
The package has been deprecated for removal Yes

The has been deprecated in Java SE 13 and marked for removal. The classes in this package should no longer be used. The package contains suitable replacements.

The Thread.countStackFrames() method was changed to unconditionally throw an UnsupportedOperationException No

The terminally deprecated method Thread.countStackFrames() has been changed to unconditionally throw an UnsupportedOperationException in Java SE 14.

Avoid using the removed RMI Activation package No

The java.rmi.activation package was deprecated in Java SE 15 and removed in Java SE 17.

The Socket Implementation Factory Mechanism has been deprecated No The following methods used to set the system-wide socket implementation factories have been deprecated in Java SE 17: static void ServerSocket.setSocketFactory(SocketImplFactory fac), static void Socket.setSocketImplFactory(SocketImplFactory fac), static void DatagramSocket.setDatagramSocketImplFactory(DatagramSocketImplFactory fac).
Check for a behavior change in regular expression pattern matching No The pattern matching behavior changed for some regular expressions using intersections in Java SE 17.
The defineAnonymousClass method from sun.misc.Unsafe has been removed No The defineAnonymousClass method from sun.misc.Unsafe has been removed in Java SE 17.
Check for a behavior change in Java agents Yes Java agent premain and agentmain methods must be public in Java SE 17.
The Applet API has been deprecated for removal No The Applet API has been deprecated for removal in Java SE 17.
JARs signed with SHA-1 algorithms are now restricted No JARs signed with SHA-1 algorithms are now restricted by default and treated as if they were unsigned in Java SE 17.
Remote EJB calls might fail on Java SE 17 No Due to stricter module access enforcement, remote EJB calls might fail on Java SE 17.

Oracle to IBM compatibility impacts

Run the following rules when you are migrating your application from an Oracle Java Runtime Environment to an IBM Java Runtime Environment. If you are running a Liberty server using an Oracle Java Runtime, do not run the quick fixes for these rules.

Table 9. Oracle to IBM compatibility impacts
Rule Name Quick Fix Action Taken
Detect packages No This rule flags import statements of certain packages in Java files that are not available and should not be used.
Do not use APIs from packages Yes This rule detects the classes and interfaces in the > package have been replaced by classes and interfaces in the package.
Do not use JAXP internal classes No This rule flags internal Sun JAXP classes are not available in the IBM Java Runtime Environment.
Do not use JAXP package names in string literals No This rule detects JAXP 1.3 package names that are used in string literals.
Do not use the class Yes This rule flags the class should be replaced by
Do not use the class Yes This rule flags the class that should be replaced by
Do not use the package Yes This rule flags the package references that should be replaced by

Sun internal APIs

Only run the following rules when you are migrating your application from an Oracle Java Runtime Environment to an IBM Java Runtime that contains the IBM class. For example, the HP-UX and Solaris Java Runtime Environment that ships with WebSphere Application Server does not contain the class. This rule is not selected automatically by any rule set.

Table 10. Sun internal APIs
Rule Name Quick Fix Action Taken
Do not use APIs from the package Yes The classes and interfaces in the package are replaced by classes and interfaces in the package on some operating systems.