Automation capabilities

IBM® Cloud Pak for Business Automation as a Service provides core automation capabilities to manage your business.

The following core capabilities are provided:
Graphic shows the product capabilities: Workflow, Content, Decisions, Applications, and Automation Services
Business automations
A business automation is a collection of artifacts that fulfills a business purpose. You can build automation applications and services with little or no code.

For more information, see Using business automations capabilities.

A workflow is a sequence of activities and tasks that define work, such as a business process, case, or workstream. Workflows can be automated or performed by people. By automating steps in your end-to-end process workflow, you can increase agility, visibility, and consistency across hundreds of processes. For example, a loan application, might involve dozens of steps, any one of which might be small and routine, but the result of the workflow can deliver critical results to a customer.

Workflows generate events that can be aggregated into business-relevant KPIs, and displayed on Insights dashboards to analyze business data.

For more information, see Using workflow capabilities.

Companies make numerous operational decisions daily, but relatively few require human involvement. Most take detailed, repetitive work to apply business policies or regulations. These decisions can be automated to improve your responsiveness, minimize compliance risk, and streamline workflow processes. Furthermore, by externalizing your decision-making logic from your applications, you can quickly update it in response to changes in the marketplace.

For more information, see Using decisions capabilities.

All enterprises rely on both structured content in databases and unstructured content in business documents, photographs, email, audio and video files, and social media. All of this data and information must be managed and stored. Automated content management can tap into previously unused data and promote employee collaboration, and address concerns about information access, privacy, and security.

For more information, see Using content capabilities.

Use Insights dashboards provided by Business Performance Center for visualizing business data from any of the capabilities installed on your cloud subscription.

For more information, see Using insights capabilities.