WebSphere Development Studio Client

IBM® WebSphere® Development Studio Client for System i® is a set of workstation development tools for creating, testing, deploying, and maintaining traditional and e-business applications for your System i platform. WebSphere Development Studio Client for System i is included with the compiler-based server product, WebSphere Development Studio.

WebSphere Development Studio Client for System i is designed to help you accomplish the following primary programming goals:

WebSphere Development Studio Client for System i inherits Web and Java™ development capabilities from WebSphere Studio Site Developer, which makes it easy to create, test, deploy, and maintain complex e-business applications with little Java, Web, or Web-service programming. It includes the following workstation components (WebSphere Development Tools for System i):

Note: The WebSphere Development Studio Client product contains workstation tools only. If you are also interested in the server components (including compilers), consider WebSphere Development Studio, which includes workstation licenses of WebSphere Development Studio Client. If you order WebSphere Development Studio for System i, you are also entitled to receive WebSphere Development Studio Client for System i.

WebSphere Development Studio Client is Eclipse-based, and you install and run the product on your local workstation. You use WebSphere Development Studio Client in the workbench integrated development environment.

For more information, go to the WebSphere Development Studio Client for System i home page Link outside Information Center.

For documentation, go to the WebSphere Development Studio Client for System i library Link outside Information Center.

For more information about the IBM WebFacing Tool, go to the IBM WebFacing Tool home page Link outside Information Center.