Calling a stored procedure

You can call an SQL stored procedure with the execute, open, or get statement; in each case, you use the #sql directive.

A stored procedure is a set of instructions for a database, like a function in EGL. Stored procedures differ from prepared statements because the stored procedure is kept permanently in the database itself, while a prepared statement is local to your program or logic part and is cached by the database only temporarily. Also, a stored procedure can consist of many SQL statements, while a prepared statement can consist of only one SQL statement. Fundamentally, however, you can execute the same instructions with a stored procedure as you can with a prepared statement.


Using execute to call a stored procedure

The execute keyword is appropriate for calling stored procedures that do not return a result set. You can also use execute to call stored procedures that return one or more result sets, but in that case any result sets are ignored.

To call a stored procedure with execute, use the #sql directive and specify the name of the stored procedure in the explicit SQL:
execute #sql{
If the stored procedure accepts parameters, pass EGL variables as host variables (see Host variables):
myParameter int = 5;
execute #sql{
The following example uses a prepared statement in combination with the execute statement:
prepare p1 from "CALL MYSTOREDPROCEDURE(?)";
execute p1 using myParameter;

Using open to call a stored procedure

You can use the open keyword to call only stored procedures that return exactly one result set. To call a stored procedure that does not return a result set or that returns more than one result set, use execute.

To call a stored procedure with open, use the #sql directive and specify the name of the stored procedure in the explicit SQL:
open myResultSet with #sql{
Then you can access the result set through the myResultSet identifier, as in the following example, which assumes a Record part (stereotype SQLRecord) named MyCustomerPart:
myCustomers MyCustomerPart;
get next from myResultSet into myCustomers;
If the stored procedure accepts parameters, pass EGL variables as host variables:
myParameter int = 5;
open myResultSet with #sql{
    CALL GETCUSTOMERS(:myParameter)
The following example uses a prepared statement in combination with the open statement:
prepare p1 from "CALL GETCUSTOMERS(?)";
open myResultSet with p1 using myParameter;

Using get to call a stored procedure

You can use the get keyword with a dynamic array to call only stored procedures that return exactly one result set. To call a stored procedure that does not return a result set or that returns more than one result set, use execute.

To call a stored procedure with get, use the #sql directive and specify the name of the stored procedure in the explicit SQL:
myCustomers MyCustomerPart[]{};
get myArray with #sql{
If the stored procedure accepts parameters, pass EGL variables as host variables:
myCustomers MyCustomerPart[]{};
myParameter int = 5;
get myArray with #sql{
    CALL GETCUSTOMERS(:myParameter)
The following example uses a prepared statement in combination with the get statement:
myCustomers MyCustomerPart[]{};
myParameter int = 5;
prepare p1 from "CALL GETCUSTOMERS(?)";
get myCustomers with p1 using myParameter;

Special considerations for the Oracle DBMS

When you work with an Oracle database, you can call either a stored procedure or a stored function.

There are specific rules that apply to using the open or get statement to call a stored procedure when you use an Oracle database:
  • The procedure must have at least one parameter.
  • The first parameter must be have an out or inOut modifier, and must be a REF CURSOR type (an example of how to define this type is shown later). A variable based on this type, called a cursor variable, can pass result sets between the parts of a program.
  • Represent the first parameter of the procedure with a question mark, as shown in later examples.
  • If the procedure call is in a prepared statement, do not include anything in the using clause for the first parameter. If there are no other parameters, omit the using clause.
In the first example, using the #sql directive, the procedure has no parameters except the cursor variable:
open rs1 with #sql { call p1( ? ) };
In the next example, also using #sql, the procedure has two parameters in addition to the cursor variable:
x int = 10;
y int = 1000;
open rs2 with #sql { call p2( ?, :x, :y ) };
In the next example, using a prepared statement, the procedure has no parameters except the cursor variable:
prepare pstmt3 from "call p1( ? )";
open rs3 with pstmt3;
In the next example, using a prepared statement, the procedure has two parameters in addition to the cursor variable:
prepare pstmt4 from "call p2( ?, ?, ? )";
open rs4 with pstmt4 using x, y;
The following example shows one way to define a REF CURSOR type to Oracle. (For other ways, refer to your Oracle documentation.)
   END; };
The preceding code creates a new type named MYPKG.RC12 that you can use for the type of a parameter that holds the results of a query. The following EGL code defines a stored procedure that you can call using an EGL open statement:
      OPEN c FOR SELECT firstnme, empno FROM empx WHERE empno > x ORDER BY empno;
   END; };

In addition, you can create stored functions in Oracle. A stored function is the same as a stored procedure, except that it returns a value (Oracle's stored procedures cannot return a value). You can call an Oracle stored function from EGL, using a slightly different SQL syntax than in the stored procedure call.

In this first example, the called function is passed a string and returns an integer:
x int;
y string = "hello";
execute #sql{ call :x := func1( :y ) };
writeStdout( "The function returned " :: x );
This next example calls the same function using a prepared statement:
prepare q from "call ? := func1( ? )";
execute q using x, y;
writeStdout( "The function returned " :: x );
EGL can call Oracle stored functions that return the results of a query. The following rules apply:
  • Call the function with an EGL open or get statement.
  • The function must return a REF CURSOR type.
  • The SQL code that an open statement runs must include a question mark to represent the value that the function returns.
  • If the function call is in a prepared statement, do not include anything in the using clause for the first question mark. If the function has no parameters, omit the using clause.
In the first example, using the #sql directive, the function has no parameters except the cursor variable:
open rs5 with #sql { call ? := f5() };
In the next example, also using #sql, the function has two parameters in addition to the cursor variable:
x int = 10;
y int = 1000;
open rs6 with #sql { call ? := f6( :x, :y ) };
In the next example, using a prepared statement, the function has no parameters except the cursor variable:
prepare pstmt7 from "call ? := f5()";
open rs7 with pstmt7;
In the next example, using a prepared statement, the function has two parameters in addition to the cursor variable:
prepare pstmt8 from "call ? := f6( ?, ? )";
open rs8 with pstmt8 using x, y;


The following limitations apply to using stored procedures in EGL: