User roles

The following roles are available in Planning Analytics Workspace. The default role is Analyst.

Consumers can open books and views and other content that is shared with them.
Consumers cannot create their own books and views, but they can share content that is shared with them, with consumer rights only.
Consumers can delete books and views if they have Full control permission set for those books and views.
Note: When you log in to Planning Analytics Workspace from an iPad, you are always a Consumer, regardless of your actual role. For more information, see Accessing Planning Analytics Workspace from Apple iPad.
Analysts have the rights of a consumer, plus the following abilities:
Analysts can create, edit, and share books and views.
Analysts can delete books and views if they have Full control permission set for those books and views.
Modelers have the rights of an analyst plus the following abilities:
They can create and share content, and edit content that is shared with them.
Modelers can create, edit, and delete dimensions and hierarchies. They can add, delete, cut, paste, copy, move, and sort members and their attributes in a hierarchy.
For more information, see The modeler role.
Administrators have all the rights of a modeler, plus the following abilities:
Administrators can see all content in the workspace.
Administrators can set permissions for a book.
Note: At least one user in your organization must have the administrator role. If your organization has only one administrator, this user cannot be deleted or assigned to another role. Administrators can assign roles to users and only an administrator can change another user's role to administrator.
By default, the administrator role is assigned to the first user in your organization's Planning Analytics Workspace account. In Planning Analytics Workspace on cloud, this first administrator is also known as the subscription administrator. Only the subscription administrator can add new users.