Deploying multiple hypervisor types

Use this information to deploy the components that are necessary to create a cloud environment with multiple hypervisor types.

About this task

It is possible to configure different types of hypervisors in the same OpenStack environment.
The following example shows how to build a dual hypervisor type environment using IBM Cloud Manager with OpenStack. The example uses the following system setup:
  • System 1: This is the deployment system where IBM Cloud Manager with OpenStack is installed.
  • System 2: The OpenStack single controller node.
  • System 3: The OpenStack x86 Linux® Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) compute node.
  • System 4: The OpenStack PowerKVM compute node.
Important: This procedure is for example purposes only.


  1. Install IBM Cloud Manager with OpenStack on system 1. For instructions, see Installing IBM Cloud Manager with OpenStack on Linux.
  2. Follow the deployment prerequisites for all systems. See Deploying prerequisites for details.
  3. From system 1, complete the following steps.
    1. Create a directory to store the files for the topology that you deploy. Change your-deployment-name to the name for your deployment.
      $ mkdir your-deployment-name
      $ chmod 600 your-deployment-name
      $ cd your-deployment-name
    2. Copy the example environment for the topology that you deploy. Change your-environment-name to the name for your environment.
      $ knife environment show example-ibm-os-single-controller-n-compute -d -Fjson > your-environment-name.json
    3. Create a topology file that is based on the following example topology file, your-topology-name.json.
        "nodes": [
             "runlist": [
            "runlist": [
            "runlist": [
  4. From system 1, modify the environment and topology files for the deployment. See Deploying a test or production cloud for details.
  5. From system 1, deploy your topology.
    1. Upload the environment for your deployment.
      $ knife environment from file your-environment-name.json
    2. Deploy the topology.
      knife os manage deploy topology your-topology-name.json
    3. (Optional) Check the detailed status of the IBM Cloud Manager with OpenStack services that are deployed.
      $ knife os manage services status --topology-file your-topology-name.json
  6. After the deployment is complete, the IBM Cloud Manager with OpenStack services are ready to use.
    The IBM Cloud Manager with OpenStack dashboard is available at, where is the fully qualified domain name of the controller node in your topology. The web interface for IBM Cloud Manager with OpenStack self-service portal is available at You can log into either using admin user with the password that you customized in your deployment.

    For more information about managing IBM Cloud Manager with OpenStack services, see Managing IBM Cloud Manager with OpenStack services.