Creating a work order in Maximo

You can create a MAINTENANCE work order or a BREAKDOWN work order in Maximo.


  1. Select Goto > WorkOrders > Work Order Tracking > New Work Order.
  2. Specify the following values:
    • In the Description field, specify either BREAKDOWN or MAINTENANCE.
    • In the Site field, specify the Model No of the resource.
    • In the Asset field, specify the Serial No of the resource.
    • In the Service Address field, specify the location.
  3. If you are creating a MAINTENANCE work order, specify the following values:
    • In the Scheduled Start field, specify the scheduled maintenance start timestamp.
    • In the Actual Start field, specify the actual maintenance start timestamp, if applicable.
  4. If you are creating a BREAKDOWN work order, specify the following values:
    • In the Reported Date field, specify the Breakdown timestamp.


For an example of a BREAKDOWN work order, see the following figure.
Figure 1. Creating a BREAKDOWN work order
Diagram showing the XML field values to create a BREAKDOWN work order. Review the preceding text for more information about the BREAKDOWN work order.