FTP.DATA ステートメントの検査

FTP クライアントの STAtus サブコマンドおよび LOCSTat サブコマンドを使用することで、多数の FTP.DATA ステートメントを検証することができます。STAtus サブコマンドおよび LOCSTat サブコマンドからの出力は、各インストール・システムでのクライアントおよびサーバーにある FTP.DATA のコピーによって異なります。 以下の例は、ある 1 つのシステムでの出力を示しています。

 EZA1701I >>> STAT                                                   
  211-Server FTP talking to host ::ffff:, port 1026 
  211-User: USER1  Working directory: USER1.                   
  211-The control connection has transferred 115 bytes
  211-There is no current data connection.                                  
  211-The next data connection will be actively opened                      
  211-to host ::ffff:, port 1026,                                
  211-using Mode Stream, Structure File, type ASCII, byte-size 8            
  211-Automatic recall of migrated data sets.                               
  211-Automatic mount of direct access volumes.                             
  211-Auto tape mount is allowed.                                           
  211-Inactivity timer is set to 300                                        
  211-Timer FTPKEEPALIVE is set to 0                                        
  211-Timer DATAKEEPALIVE is set to 0                                       
  211-Timer DSWAITTIME is set to 0                                          
  211-Timer FIFOOPENTIME is set to 60                                       
  211-Timer FIFOIOTIME is set to 20                                         
  211-VCOUNT is 59                                                          
  211-ASA control characters in ASA files opened for text processing will be
  211- transferred as ASA control characters.                               
  211-Trailing blanks are removed from a fixed format data set when it is   
  211- retrieved.                                                           
  211-Data set mode.  (Do not treat each qualifier as a directory.)         
  211-ISPFSTATS is set to FALSE                                             
  211-Primary allocation 1 track.  Secondary allocation 1 track.            
  211-Partitioned data sets will be created with 27 directory blocks.       
  211-FileType SEQ (Sequential - default).
  211-Number of access method buffers is 5                                   
  211-RDWs from variable format data sets are discarded.                     
  211-Records on input tape are unspecified format                           
  211-SITE DB2 subsystem name is DB2                                         
  211-Data not wrapped into next record.                                     
  211-Tape write is not allowed to use BSAM I/O                              
  211-Truncated records will not be treated as an error                      
  211-JESLRECL is 80                                                         
  211-JESRECFM is Fixed                                                      
  211-JESINTERFACELEVEL is 1                                                 
  211-Server site variable JESTRAILINGBLANKS is set to TRUE                  
  211-Confidence level in data transfers is neither checked nor reported     
  211-ENcoding is set to SBCS                                                
  211-MBdataconn codeset names: UTF-16,UTF-16                                
  211-Outbound SBCS ASCII data uses CRLF line terminator                     
  211-Outbound MBCS ASCII data uses CRLF line terminator                     
  211-Server site variable MBREQUIRELASTEOL is set to TRUE                   
  211-Server site variable UNICODEFILESYSTEMBOM is set to ASIS               
  211-Server site variable UNIXFILETYPE is set to FILE                       
  211-DBSUB is set to FALSE                                                  
  211-Server site variable EXTDBSCHINESE is set to TRUE                      
  211-SBSUB is set to FALSE                                                  
  211-SBSUBCHAR is set to SPACE
  211-SMS is active.                                                        
  211-New data sets will be catalogued if a store operation ends abnormally 
  211-Single quotes will override the current working directory.            
  211-UMASK value is 027                                                    
  211-Process id is 19                                                      
  211-Checkpoint interval is 0                                              
  211-Server site variable RESTPUT is set to TRUE                           
  211-Server site variable REMOVEINBEOF is set to FALSE                     
  211-Authentication type: None                                             
  211-TLS security is supported at the DRAFT level                          
  211-Server site variable READVB is set to LE                              
  211-Port of Entry resource class for IPv4 clients is: TERMINAL            
  211-Record format VB, Lrecl: 256, Blocksize: 6233                         
  211-Server site variable EATTR is set to OPT                              
  211-Server site variable DSNTYPE is set to BASIC                          
  211-Server site variable LISTSUBDIR is set to TRUE                        
  211 *** end of status *** 

  Trace: FALSE, Send Port: TRUE                               
  Send Site with Put command: TRUE                            
  Connected to:, Port: FTP control (21), logged in 
  Local Port: 1026 
  Data type:a, Transfer mode:s, Structure:f                          
  Automatic recall of migrated data sets.                            
  Automatic mount of direct access volumes.                          
  Data set mode. (Do not treat each qualifier as a directory.)       
  ISPFSTATS is set to FALSE                                          
  Primary allocation 1 track, Secondary allocation 1 track.          
  Partitioned data sets will be created with 27 directory blocks     
  FileType is SEQ (Sequential - the default).                        
  Number of access method buffers is 5.                              
  Confidence level of data transfers is neither checked nor reported 
  ENcoding is set to SBCS                                            
  MBdataconn codeset names: UTF-16,UTF-16                            
  Outbound SBCS ASCII data uses CRLF line terminator                 
  Outbound MBCS ASCII data uses CRLF line terminator                 
  local site variable UNICODEFILESYSTEMBOM is set to ASIS            
  local site variable MBREQUIRELASTEOL is set to TRUE                
  local site variable REMOVEINBEOF is set to FALSE                   
  DBSUB is set to FALSE                                              
  SBSUB is set to FALSE                                              
  SBSUBCHAR is set to SPACE                                          
  RDW's from VB/VBS files are discarded.                             
  Records on input tape are unspecified format                       
  DB2 subsystem name is DB2
  Volid of Migrated Data Sets is MIGRAT                                       
  Trailing blanks in records read from RECFM F datasets are discarded.        
  Record format: VB, Lrecl: 256, Blocksize: 6233.                             
  Data not wrapped into next record.                                          
  Truncated records will not be treated as an error.                          
  Checkpoint interval is 0                                                    
  Checkpoint data set will be opened for GET                                  
  CHKPTPrefix uses Home to determine the HLQ of the FTP.CHECKPOINT file.      
  No automatic mount of tape volumes.                                         
  CCONNTIME is 30                                                             
  DATACTTIME is 120                                                           
  DCONNTIME is 120                                                            
  INACTTIME is 120                                                            
  MYOPENTIME is 60                                                            
  FTPKEEPALIVE is 0                                                           
  local site variable DATAKEEPALIVE is set to 0                               
  local site variable DSWAITTIME is set to 0                                  
  VCOUNT is 59                                                                
  Prompting: ON, Globbing: ON                                                 
  ASA control characters transferred as ASA control characters                
  New data sets catalogued if a store operation terminates abnormally         
  Single quotes will override the current working directory                   
  UMASK value is 027 
  Data connections for the client are not firewall friendly.   
  local site variable EPSV4 is set to TRUE                     
  local site variable SECUREIMPLICITZOS is set to TRUE         
  local site variable PASSIVEIGNOREADDR is set to FALSE        
  local site variable TLSRFCLEVEL is set to RFC4217            
  local site variable READVB is set to LE                      
  local site variable EXTDBSCHINESE is set to TRUE             
  local site variable LISTSUBdir is set to TRUE                
  local site variable PROGRESS is set to 10                    
  local site variable SEQNUMSUPPORT is set to FALSE            
  local site variable UNIXFILETYPE is set to FILE              
  local site variable FIFOIOTIME is set to 20                  
  local site variable FIFOOPENTIME is set to 60                
  local site variable EATTR is set to SYSTEM                   
  local site variable DSNTYPE is set to BASIC                  
  Authentication mechanism: None                               
  Tape write is not allowed to use BSAM I/O                    
  Using /etc/ftp.data for local site configuration parameters.