OPEX 単一長の鍵、倍長の鍵、および 3 倍長の鍵の例 (2 つの形式)

Key   Type  Type 
Form  1      2
OPEX  DATA  DATA    Use the OP form in encipher. Send the EX form and
                    the ciphertext to another cryptographic partner.
OPEX  MAC   MAC     Single-length MAC generation key. Use the OP form in
                    both MAC generation and MAC verification. Send the
                    EX form to a cryptographic partner to be used in the
                    MAC generation or MAC verification services.
OPEX  MAC   MACVER  Single-length MAC generation and MAC verification
                    keys. Use the OP form in MAC generation. Send the EX
                    form to a cryptographic partner where it will be put
                    into key import, and then MAC verification, with the
                    message and MAC that you have also transmitted.
OPEX  PINGEN PINVER Use the OP form in Clear PIN generate. Send the
                    EX form to a cryptographic partner where it is put
                    into key import, and then Encrypted PIN verify,
                    along with an IPINENC key.
                    Use the OP form in key import, key generate,
                    or secure key import. Send the EX form to a
                    cryptographic partner where it is used in key
                    export, data key export, or key generate, or put in
                    the CKDS.
                    Use the OP form in key export, data key export,
                    or key generate. Send the EX form to a cryptographic
                    partner where it is put into the CKDS or used in key
                    import, key generate or secure key import.

お客様およびお客様のパートナーが OPEX IMPORTER EXPORTER、OPEX EXPORTER IMPORTER 鍵ペア (OPEX 単一長の鍵、倍長の鍵、および 3 倍長の鍵の例 (2 つの形式)) を インストールした場合は、鍵とデータの交換を開始できます。