Refreshing the in-storage copy of the PKDS

This topic describes how to use the CSFPUTIL program to refresh the in-storage copy of the PKDS.

  1. Invoke the program from a batch job or from another program.

    You pass the same parameters whether you call the program as a batch job or from another program.

  2. When you invoke the utility program from another program, General Register 1 must contain a pointer to the address of a data area whose structure is as follows:
       Bytes 0-1: Length of the parameter string in binary
       Bytes 2-n: The parameter string

    The parameter string is the same as that which you would specify using the PARM keyword on the EXEC JCL statement if you invoked the program as a batch job.

  3. To refresh in-storage copy of the PKDS, pass this parameter:
    • The name for the task: REFRESH
    • Optional: the name of the disk copy of the PKDS you want read into storage. If no data set is specified, the active PKDS will be used.
  4. To refresh the PKDS using JCL, use JCL like this example:
    The second parameter, NEW.PKDS, is the name of the disk copy of the PKDS that you want read into storage.
  5. To refresh the active PKDS using JCL, use JCL like this example:

When you invoke the program as a batch job, you receive the return code in a message when the job completes. You do not receive a reason code with the return code. The return codes are explained in Return and reason codes for the CSFPUTIL program.