CSFPMC30 ------- ICSF - Pass Phrase MK/CKDS/PKDS Initialization ---
Command ===>
Enter your pass phrase (16 to 64 characters)
Select one of the initialization actions then press ENTER to process.
_ Initialize system - Load the AES, DES and RSA master keys to all
coprocessors and initialize the CKDS and PKDS,
making them the active key data sets.
KDSR format (Y/N) ===> Y
CKDS ===>
PKDS ===>
_ Reinitialize system - Load the AES, DES, and RSA master keys to all
coprocessors and make the specified CKDS and PKDS the active key data sets.
CKDS ===>
PKDS ===>
_ Add coprocessors - Initialize additional inactive (Master key incorrect)
coprocessors with the same AES, DES, and RSA master keys.
_ Add AES-MK - Add the AES master key to all active coprocessors and the
current CKDS.
Press ENTER to process.
Press END to exit to the previous menu.