Syntax of the OPKYLOAD Control Statement

The OPKYLOAD control statement specifies the operational key created by the TKE workstation on a CCA coprocessor that you want KGUP to load to the CKDS. An SMF record type 82 subtype 7 will be generated when the key is written to the CKDS.

The OPKYLOAD control statement has this syntax:

Figure 1. OPKYLOAD Control Statement Syntax

   LABEL (key-label)
   SERNBR (coprocessor-serial-number)
LABEL (key-label)
This label must match the label used to create the key by the TKE workstation on the coprocessor.
SERNBR (coprocessor-serial-number)
The serial number is available on the Service Element panels and the ICSF coprocessor management panel. The coprocessor-serial-number is the serial number of the coprocessor where the key identified by the key-label has been loaded from the TKE workstation.
NOCV specifies that the DES IMPORTER/EXPORTER key being written to the CKDS should be NOCV IMPORTER/EXPORTER. The key must have a default control vector.