Steps for editing control statements

You can edit the control statement input data set that you specified for this KGUP job. The control statement input data set contains the control statements you created when you specified the control statement input data set.

To edit the control statements you created:
  1. Choose option 4 on the KGUP Control Statement Menu panel, as shown in Figure 1.
    Figure 1. Selecting the Edit Option on the KGUP Control Statement Menu Panel
     CSFCSM00 ----------- ICSF - KGUP Control Statement Menu ------------
     OPTION ===> 4
       Storage data set for control statements   (DDNAME = CSFIN)
       Data Set Name: LARSON.CSFIN.TESTDS1P(TEST2)
        Enter the number of the desired option above.
        1  Maintain       - Create ADD, UPDATE, or DELETE control statements
        2  Rename         - Create statement to RENAME entry label
        3  Set            - Create a statement to SET installation data
        4  Edit           - Edit the statement storage data set
        Press ENTER to go to the selected option
        Press END   to exit to the previous panel

    The ISPF editor displays the control statement input data set. An example of a data set called LARSON.CSFIN.TESTDS1P(TEST2) with a SET, ADD, and RENAME control statement is shown in Figure 2.

    Figure 2. Edit Control Statement Initial Display Panel
     ISREDDE - LARSON.CSFIN.TESTDS1P(TEST2) - 00.00 --------------- COLUMNS 001 072
     COMMAND ===> _                                                SCROLL ===> CSR
     ****** ***************************** TOP OF DATA ******************************
     000001 /* TEST INSTALLATION DATA                        */
     000002 SET INSTDATA('This is test installation data')
     000003 /* EXPORT TEST KEY                               */
     000004 ADD TYPE(EXPORTER),
     000005        TRANSKEY(SENDTOBRANCH5JUNE99)
     000006        LABEL(ATMBRANCH5M0001)
     000007 /* EXPORT TEST KEY RENAMED                       */
     ****** **************************** BOTTOM OF DATA ****************************
  2. You can change any information on the control statements in the data set. You can also add lines to the data set that contains comments or control statements.
  3. To specify many similar control statements, copy lines in this file and edit them to create additional control statements.
    Note: The panel does not check whether the control statements that you change are syntactically correct.

    Figure 3 shows the insertion of a comment line in the file.

    Figure 3. Edit Control Statement Data Set with Insert
     ISREDDE - LARSON.CSFIN.TESTDS1P(TEST2) - 00.00 --------------- COLUMNS 001 072
     COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> CSR
     ****** ***************************** TOP OF DATA ******************************
     '' /* This comment was inserted using the editor */_
     000001 /* TEST INSTALLATION DATA                        */
     000002 SET INSTDATA('This is test installation data')
     000003 /* EXPORT TEST KEY                               */
     000004 ADD TYPE(EXPORTER),
     000005        TRANSKEY(SENDTOBRANCH5JUNE99)
     000006        LABEL(ATMBRANCH5M0001)
     000007 /* EXPORT TEST KEY RENAMED                       */
     ****** **************************** BOTTOM OF DATA ****************************
  4. When you make any changes, press END to save the changes and return to the KGUP Control Statement Menu panel.