Steps for restarting the key entry process

If you realize that you made an error when entering a key part, you can restart the process of entering the new master key. For example, if the verification pattern or the hash pattern that was calculated does not match the one that you calculated, you may want to restart the process. Restarting the key entry process clears the new master key register, which erases all the new master key parts you entered previously.

To restart the key entry process, follow these steps:
  1. On the Master Key Entry panel, enter the master key type in the Key Type field.

    In this example, we are resetting a new DES-MK master key.

  2. Enter RESET in the Part field.
    Figure 1. Selecting Reset on the Master Key Entry Panel
    CSFDKE50 -------------- ICSF - Master Key Entry ---------
     COMMAND ===> 
                  AES new master key register                      : EMPTY
                  DES new master key register                      : PART FULL 
                  ECC new master key register                      : EMPTY
                  RSA new master key register                      : EMPTY
      Specify information below
        Key Type  ===> DES-MK        (AES-MK, DES-MK, ECC-MK, RSA-MK)
        Part      ===>  RESET_            (RESET, FIRST, MIDDLE, FINAL)
        Checksum  ===>  40
        Key Value ===> 51ED9CFA90716CFB
                  ===> 58403BFA02BD13E8
                  ===> 0000000000000000  (AES-MK, ECC-MK and RSA-MK only)
                  ===> 0000000000000000  (AES-MK, ECC-MK only)
      Press ENTER to process.
      Press END   to exit to the previous menu.
  3. Press ENTER.

    The Restart Key Entry Process panel appears. See Figure 2. This panel confirms your request to restart the key entry process.

    Figure 2. Confirm Restart Request Panel
     CSFDKE80 -------------- ICSF - Restart Key Entry Process -------------
     COMMAND ===>
       Restarting the process will clear the DES-MK master key register.
     Press ENTER to confirm restart request
     Press END   to cancel restart request
  4. If you want to restart the key entry process, press ENTER.

    The restart request automatically empties the master key register.

  5. If you do not want to restart, press END.

    When you make a choice, you return to the Master Key Entry panel. If you selected to continue with the restart process, the new master key register status field is reset to EMPTY, as shown in Figure 3. This indicates that the register has been cleared.

    Figure 3. The Master Key Entry Panel Following Reset Request
    CSFDKE50 -------------- ICSF - Master Key Entry ---------
     COMMAND ===> 
                  AES new master key register                      : EMPTY
                  DES new master key register                      : EMPTY 
                  ECC new master key register                      : EMPTY
                  RSA new master key register                      : EMPTY
      Specify information below
        Key Type  ===> _____        (AES-MK, DES-MK, ECC-MK, RSA-MK)
        Part      ===> ______       (RESET, FIRST, MIDDLE, FINAL)
        Checksum  ===> 00
        Key Value ===> 0000000000000000
                  ===> 0000000000000000
                  ===> 0000000000000000  (AES-MK, ECC-MK and RSA-MK only)
                  ===> 0000000000000000  (AES-MK, ECC-MK only)
  6. Either begin the key entry process again or press END to return to the ICSF primary menu panel.