Performance tuning for IBM Content Navigator
IBM Content Navigator is installed with default settings. Based on your hardware environment, you can tune or change some settings to improve IBM Content Navigator performance. Tuning makes the system run faster and work more efficiently.
- IBM Content Navigator
- Web application servers, such as WebSphere® Application Server or Oracle WebLogic Server
- Databases (Db2®, Db2 for z/OS®, Db2 pureScale®, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle database, or Oracle RAC database)
- IBM FileNet® Content Manager
- FileNet P8 components
- IBM Content Manager
- Content Manager OnDemand
- Operating systems
- Download as PDF or use of the PDF Conversion Viewer
- Preview documents or use of the HTML Conversion Viewer
- Thumbnail rendering
- Viewing documents with IBM Daeja® ViewONE Virtual Viewer, AJAX Viewer
- Viewing AFP or Line data with AFP2PDF or Line2PDF conversion
Simple documents, such as plain text, do not cause significant processor usage. Larger, complex documents however, can cause a significant increase in IBM Content Navigator processor usage. You must allocate sufficient resources to your IBM Content Navigator server to keep up with processor usage.
The performance tuning topics include suggested parameter settings. Performance information is provided for your consideration so that you can determine the appropriate settings to fit your environment. This tuning is an iterative process. The correct tuning for your system is based on your environment and your usage. Tuning results differ for each user, depending on the environments and the components used.