OPL, the modeling language
Presents the modeling language of IBM ILOG OPL, namely: the overall
structure of OPL models; the basic modeling concepts; how data can
be initialized internally as it is declared or externally in a .dat
file; how to connect to, read from, and write to databases and spreadsheets;
expressions and relations; constraints; and formal parameters.
Building a model
Describes the primary elements of the OPL language and how they are used to build an optimization model.
Data types
Describes basic data types and data structures available for modeling data in OPL.
Data sources
Describes data initialization, spreadsheet input/output, data consistency, and preprocessing.
Decision types
Variables in an OPL application are decision variables (dvar). OPL also supports decision expressions, that is, expressions that enable you to reuse decision variables (dexpr). A specific syntax is available in OPL to dynamically collect elements into arrays.
Describes data and decision variable identifiers, integer and float expressions, aggregate operators, piecewise-linear functions (continuous and discontinuous), set expressions, and Boolean expressions.
Specifies the constraints supported by OPL and discusses various subclasses of constraints to illustrate the support available for modeling combinatorial optimization applications.
Formal parameters
Describes basic formal parameters, tuples of parameters, and filtering in tuples of parameters.
Describes how to model scheduling problems in OPL.