Installing on macOS

Download and install IBM Aspera faspio Gateway on your macOS system.

To install faspio Gateway on your macOS machine:

  1. Verify that you're on a supported version of macOS. Supported versions are listed in the release notes.
  2. Download the macOS .pkg installer from IBM Passport Advantage.
    The name of the installer must be similar to:
  3. Run the installer by opening the file and following the prompts.
  4. If you are using faspio Gateway as a FASP server, you must provide a valid license at /usr/local/share/faspio-gateway/license.
    For more information about configuration and client versus server usage, see Configuring the Gateway.

    The installed file locations are indicated as follows:

    Category Path
    Executable /usr/local/bin/faspio-gateway
    Licenses /usr/local/share/faspio-gateway/license
    Configuration files /etc/faspio-gateway/gateway.toml
    Launchd service configuration file /Library/LaunchDaemons/
    IBM SWID file /usr/local/share/faspio-gateway/iso-swid/ibm.com_IBM_Aspera_faspio_Gateway-1.0.0.swidtag
    FIPS library /usr/local/lib/ossl-modules/fips.dylib
    OpenSSL /usr/local/sbin/openssl@faspio-gateway