Defining User Catalogs

You can use the AMSERV command to define private catalogs and spaces for them. The procedures for determining what space you can allocate are the same as those outlined in the example of defining a master catalog. To define a user catalog, you can assign any ddname you want:
access 199 e
listds e (free
dlbl cat1 e dsn private.cat1 (extent
amserv usercat
The file USERCAT AMSERV might contain the following:
      FILE  (CAT1) -
      CYL (4) -
      VOLUME (OSVSAM) ) -
After this AMSERV command has completed successfully, you can use the catalog PRIVATE.CAT1. When you define a file cataloged in it, you identify the catalog using the CAT option on the DLBL command:
dlbl file2 e dsn ? (cat cat1
Or, you can define it as a job catalog.