MVS/XA Data Management Macros
Macro | Description and Parameters/Options Supported |
BLDL | Builds a directory list for a partitioned data set. |
BSP | Backs up a record on a tape or disk. |
BUILDRCD | Causes a buffer pool and a record area to be constructed. |
CHECK | Verifies READ/WRITE completion. |
CHKPT | No-op.
CLOSE | Completes and secures I/O processing on a DCB. |
CNTRL | No-op.
DCB (BDAM)1 | Constructs a data control block for BDAM. |
DCB (BPAM)1 | Constructs a data control block (BPAM). |
DCB (BSAM)1 | Constructs a data control block (BSAM). |
DCB (QSAM)1 | Constructs a data control block (QSAM). |
DCBD | Generates a DSECT for a data control block. |
DEVTYPE | Obtains device-type physical characteristics.
Note: The DEVTYPE interface will not return valid track or cylinder details that can be used for
DASD space calculations. It is intended only to give access to default device characteristics. If
detailed real DASD device characteristics are needed, see CP DIAGNOSE X'210' in the z/VM: CP Programming Services or the CMS
'DEVTYPE' utility program in the z/VM: General Information.
EXCP | Executes a channel program for graphic access method (GAM). |
FEOV | Forces an EOV condition on a tape or DASD file. |
FIND | Locates a member of a partitioned data set. |
FREEBUF | Returns a buffer to the DCB buffer pool. |
FREEDBUF | Releases a simulated BDAM buffer. |
FREEPOOL | Releases the DCB buffer pool. |
GET | Reads system-blocked data (QSAM).
GET is supported for Locate and Move modes only. |
GETBUF | Acquires DCB buffer storage. |
GETPOOL | Constructs a buffer pool for a DCB. |
NOTE | Manages data set positioning. |
OPEN | Prepares a DCB for I/O processing. |
POINT | Manages data set positioning. |
PUT | Writes system-blocked data (QSAM).
PUT is supported for Locate and Move modes only. |
PUTX | Returns the updated record to the data set from which it was read (QSAM). |
RDJFCB | Obtains information from FILEDEF command about an OS/MVS data set. |
READ (BDAM) | Reads a physical input record (BDAM). |
READ (BPAM and BSAM) | Reads a physical input record (BSAM, BPAM). |
RELSE | No-op.
STOW | Updates partitioned dataset directories. |
SYNADAF | Provides SYNAD analysis function. |
SYNADRLS | Releases SYNADAF message and save areas.
(no parameters) |
WRITE (BDAM) | Writes a physical record (BDAM). |
WRITE (BPAM and BSAM) | Writes a physical record (BSAM, BPAM). |
WRITE (Create BDAM Data Set With BSAM) | Writes a physical record (BSAM, BDAM). |
XDAP | Reads or writes direct access volumes. |
1 CMS supports DCBs only below the 16MB line and in 24-bit
addressing mode only.