Summary of z/VM® Extension Routines

These routines are individually described in detail in an appendix in the Common Programming Interface Communications Reference. They are shown here in alphabetic order by coded routine name.
Table 1. Summary of z/VM Extension Routines
Routine Pseudonym Routine Description
XCECL Extract_Conversation_LUWID Extracts the SNA LU 6.2 architected Logical Unit of Work ID for a protected conversation.
XCECSU Extract_Conversation_Security_User_ID Extracts the access security user ID associated with a conversation.
XCECWU Extract_Conversation_Workunit_ID Extracts the CMS work unit ID for a conversation.
Extracts the local fully-qualified LU name for a conversation.
Extracts the remote fully-qualified LU name for a conversation.
XCETPN Extract_TP_Name Extracts the resolved TP name for a conversation.
XCIDRM Identify_Resource_Manager Declares to CMS a name (resource ID) by which the resource manager application will be known. For a local resource manager, this routine makes the name known to the system; for a global resource manager, this routine also makes the name known to the TSAF and CS collection.
XCSCUI Set_Client_Security_User_ID Lets an intermediate server specify an alternate user ID (the user ID of a specific client application).
XCSCSP Set_Conversation_Security_Password Sets the access security password value for the conversation. The security type must be PGM. The target LU uses this value and the user ID to verify the identity of the security requester.
XCSCST Set_Conversation_Security_Type Sets the security type (NONE, SAME, or PGM) for the conversation. The security type determines what security information is sent to the target. This lets the target verify the identity of the requester.
XCSCSU Set_Conversation_Security_User_ID Sets the security user ID value for the conversation. The security type must be PGM. The target LU uses this value and the security password to verify the identity of the requester.
XCSUE Signal_User_Event Queues an event to be reported by a subsequent Wait_on_Event call in the same virtual machine.
XCTRRM Terminate_Resource_Manager Ends ownership of a resource by a resource manager program.
XCWOE Wait_on_Event Waits on communications from one or more partners, and other events. Events reported are user events, allocation requests, information input, notification that a resource has been revoked, console input, and asynchronous Shared File System (SFS) requests.