Things to Be Aware of When Using OPENVM RUN

It is not possible to specify run-time options on the OPENVM RUN command. If an application needs run-time options, another language-specific method of passing them must be used.

The OPENVM RUN command initializes the POSIX environment variables from the GLOBALV variables in the CENV group. In addition, it defines the LOGNAME, HOME, PATH, and SHELL environment variables in a POSIX-compliant manner. For more information on setting these variables, see the description of the OPENVM RUN command in the z/VM: OpenExtensions Commands Reference.

Because many OpenExtensions applications expect STDIN, STDOUT, and STDERR to be opened as file descriptors 0, 1, and 2, respectively, OPENVM RUN opens the terminal if any of these file descriptors is not already open.

When OPENVM RUN loads a module into storage prior to execution, it copies any map information that was saved at GENMOD time into the loader tables. However, it is unwise to rely on the loader table information, because the loader tables are shared among all of the processes in the virtual machine, and the information can be overwritten whenever another module file is loaded.