Example The following program is an example of using the XEDIT interface to access files in storage. Figure 1. Using the XEDIT Interface to Access Files in Storage XMPXFL START USING *,R12 LR R12,R15 Establish addressability ST R14,R14SAVE Save return address USING FSCBD,R5 Mapping of FSCB LA R5,XFSCB Get FSCB address MVC FSCBCOMM,=C'DMSXFLRD' Put routine name in FSCB CMSCALL PLIST=(R5), Read a line from XEDIT storage X CALLTYP=X'02' LTR R15,R15 If RC=0 then read was performed BNZ ERRRD If RC¬=0, call an error routine ⋮ ERRRD DS 0H Error routine here L R14,R14SAVE Get return address back BR R14 Return XFSCB FSCB 'ROCKFRD FILE A', File ID to get info from FORM=E, Need extended format FSCB BUFFER=MYBUFF, Buffer to return info in BSIZE=MYLEN, Length of buffer RECNO=1, Access first record in ROCKFRD NOREC=1 Read one record in ROCKFRD MYBUFF DS CL80 Buffer to store info MYLEN EQU 80 Buffer length R14SAVE DS A Return address LTORG EJECT , FSCBD Map FSCB REGEQU Define register equates END