
The following program is an example of using the XEDIT interface to access files in storage.
Figure 1. Using the XEDIT Interface to Access Files in Storage
         USING *,R12
         LR    R12,R15                Establish addressability
         ST    R14,R14SAVE            Save return address
         USING FSCBD,R5               Mapping of FSCB
         LA    R5,XFSCB               Get FSCB address
         MVC   FSCBCOMM,=C'DMSXFLRD'  Put routine name in FSCB
         CMSCALL PLIST=(R5),          Read a line from XEDIT storage   X
         LTR   R15,R15                If RC=0 then read was performed
         BNZ   ERRRD                  If RC¬=0, call an error routine
ERRRD    DS    0H                     Error routine here
         L     R14,R14SAVE            Get return address back
         BR    R14                    Return
XFSCB    FSCB  'ROCKFRD FILE A',      File ID to get info from
               FORM=E,                Need extended format FSCB
               BUFFER=MYBUFF,         Buffer to return info in
               BSIZE=MYLEN,           Length of buffer
               RECNO=1,               Access first record in ROCKFRD
               NOREC=1                Read one record in ROCKFRD
MYBUFF   DS    CL80                   Buffer to store info
MYLEN    EQU   80                     Buffer length
R14SAVE  DS    A                      Return address
         EJECT ,
         FSCBD                        Map FSCB
         REGEQU                       Define register equates