Example 2
To display information about all programs and nucleus extensions,
In response, CMS displays something similar to the following:
Name Entry Origin Bytes Attributes
PROG1 02000400 02000400 0000066D Amode 31 Reloc
PROG2 02000A6D 02000A6D 0000042A Amode 31 Reloc
PROG3 00040000 00040000 00000338 Amode 24 Non-reloc
Name Entry Userword Origin Bytes Amode Attributes
NUCX1 01000400 00004532 01000400 0000066D ANY SYSTEM SERVICE
NUCX2 01000A6D 00000000 01000A6D 0000042A 24
NUCX3 00020000 0000ABDC 00020000 00000338 31 SYSTEM SERVICE